Cleaning Used Dirt Pots


Active Member
Hey everyone i was just wondering what to use when cleaning used dirt pots? i can't remember if bleach was a bad idea?bongsmilie


Active Member
There really is no reason to clean them unless you had mold or something really gross on them. I would just clean them with soap and water and dry it out really well.


Well-Known Member
why clean them there just going to get dirty
He knows not to spread possible pathogens. Bleach in cold water mixed at about 1/4 cup or a bit less per average kitchen sink. 3 gallons or so. Wash them well then rinse well with cold water. Let air dry for 24 hours or so. Pots ready man....


Well-Known Member
I use dilute bleach solution, rinse thoroughly and let them dry completely. Never had a problem doing it this way. Maybe you don't need to clean them but I don't like taking only takes a few minutes at the end of a grow. Even I am not that lazy.


Active Member
Alright thanks everyone for your input. I used comet cleanser. In hot water. scrubbed with a brush then..... opps forgot to rinse but didn't end up usig the ones i washed... freaking butt hole wanted to use other folgers coffee cans... :$ hes a newbie goof but w/e. Anywhoe 6 germintated seeds just hit the pots and six standard watt cfls. and two 70watt HPS. I will be doing a journal on this new grow and would love for people to check it out. Will post a link tonight. now off to my Narcotics Anonymous Meeting... tehe.

Just smoke gods medicine MARIJUANA.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks everyone for your input. I used comet cleanser. In hot water. scrubbed with a brush then..... opps forgot to rinse but didn't end up usig the ones i washed... freaking butt hole wanted to use other folgers coffee cans... :$ hes a newbie goof but w/e. Anywhoe 6 germintated seeds just hit the pots and six standard watt cfls. and two 70watt HPS. I will be doing a journal on this new grow and would love for people to check it out. Will post a link tonight. now off to my Narcotics Anonymous Meeting... tehe.

Just smoke gods medicine MARIJUANA.
Opps, you used water from the hot tap. Guess you are newbies for sure. Even a few little drops or wet spots, drops dryed leaving a little white crust. Calcified
Lime. A little goes a long ways.........
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use water from the hot tap for ANY use in your grow.:cuss:


Active Member
I wiped out all the used pots with a good clean rag. i saw the calcium dryed on them and when i used the rag they came sparkle clean??? Still ok?


Well-Known Member
I wiped out all the used pots with a good clean rag. i saw the calcium dryed on them and when i used the rag they came sparkle clean??? Still ok?
As long as they are good and dry with no residue you should be fine. I can tell your from experience long ago a little cal-lime can cause havoc with ph to a point of no return in most cases.


Active Member
I read a long time ago that you need like 75-100 ppm of bleach to clean very effectively yet mildly.
so like a cap full of bleach in about a gallon/ water would prob do it.
Personally I use dish soap & sponge, it feels really clean afterwards.


Active Member
Personally I would not use soap, since soap can leave chemical residues. Bleach will evaporate fully and doesn't leave junk behind. This makes a big difference when you are cleaning stuff for aquariums (anything you clean with soap and put in your tank will kill your fish), but from reading others' posts it seems that plants are a little more resilient than aquatic life. Just some food for thought, since your roots are coming into contact with these residues.