Clear Algae in water measuring tube


Active Member
Hey guys, Im in my 3rd week using a bubble bucket setup and using the GHE flora series. She gets 18 hours of 150w mh. Ive had a few issues with my girl, her leaves droop a couple hours before the lights go out, her lower leaves have brown and yellow spots which seems to be leading to necrosis. I intialy thought it was a potassium deficientcy so i added more floragro, which has a high k content. When there was no improvement i raised the ph to 6.2 to try and see if it was maybe a magnesium deficeintcy. No improvement. This morning I checked again and there is a murky suspension in the water level tube. Looks like an algae or some kind of bacteria. The picture is misleading as the substance is white not green. pls help! Iv run out of ideas.



Well-Known Member
Why don't throw out your nutes clean your bucket out,flush,and add a fresh mix of nutes,ohh yeah how hot does your res get??


Active Member
Did that once already when the plant started having problems and had no luck only saw algae after the flush, res temp is 20C is that too warm?


Well-Known Member
Thats 68 degrees farenheit that should be good how are you mixing your nutes??What strength???,maybe a pic of your set up would help.By bubble bucket you mean DWC right??And if your getting algae that means light is getting through so if the only thing that lets light through is that tube why not keep it covered with something ONLY remove it when checking the water level.
here's dwc thread on common mistakes made check it out might help


Active Member
Yes DWC. I add according to onling GH nutes calculator bout 13.6 ml floragro per 10 litre and 6.6ml of the other 2. closed off all light and changed water. spots progressing slower on leaves. will keep you updated.