Clearwater Genetics

What kind of smells? I got a few going but they got fucked between fungus gnats and ph off balanced. Had to cut them into clones and hopefully they'll root so I can actually flower them out.
Definitely has that sweet gelato smell, hard to pinpoint but has this creaminess with that fruity slushpuppie sugary with hints of even pine smells if that makes sense, then with all the white hot guava plants together together a smell of fuel lingers.
Anything with the maitai is a winner. It's hard choosing keepers because you're going to get multiple seriously nice phenos in 1 pack. The creamsicle cw uses is equally great if not slightly better, the pheno of gushers n cream I have smells and tastes like a frozen pushpop ice cream from when I was a kid.

I’ve heard awesome things about creamsicle. I just ordered 3 more CW packs for the sale and I’m super hyped on the styckles. Might just have to pop that one first. Also ordered valkyrie and apples n bananas x Gary Payton. I really wanted to grow out some sugar rush but I’m not fucking with GLO (one pack left listed under Rado if anyone wants to take a chance). Styckles seemed like the next best thing. I see a lot more Clearwater gear in my future with these prices. Got a whole $50 off my order with the coupon code. Might have to get another maitai cross but I’ve already blown through my gear budget lol. Coupon code is CWXMAS for anyone that’s interested.
Snagged an Oreocake x Gary and I95 x Warheads from the Christmas deal, ontop of the dark and Stormy I got couple weeks prior on black friday, too good of deals to pass up
Anyone know how to contact CW? I got two payment links but neither one of them work. The order says confirmed. I have my order number too. Not sure what happened.
Check your statements from whatever card you used. You probably got doubled billed. Recently had similar issue ordering karma seeds from Attitude seeds. Processor said transaction failed but low and behold my bank acct showed the payments went through.
Check your statements from whatever card you used. You probably got doubled billed. Recently had similar issue ordering karma seeds from Attitude seeds. Processor said transaction failed but low and behold my bank acct showed the payments went through.
I haven't even got the chance to enter any CC info tho. My links to pay just went to an error page like it couldn't be found. I got one link with the wrong amount and another one at the same time for the correct amount. Neither work.