Clench your asshole to beat a polygraph


Well-Known Member
I am watching Penn and Teller Bullshit this morning while I wake and bake and I do have to say this is one of the best I have seen. This one is about how inaccurate the polygraph test is and they have an army veteran, police certified polygraph examiner. He explained that since the sphincter (asshole) muscle has so many large blood vessels around it, if you "flex" it just at the right time for about 3 or 4 seconds, it looks like you are telling a lie.

So basically on everything you are telling the truth about you flex to get your vitals up then when you are lying, you relax. He said even if they don't just pass you at the end it makes it all very confusing.


Well-Known Member
:lol::lol:...i just hope i dont ever end up in a sutiuation where id have to flex my ass hole muscle to get out of a lie...:lol:.......:peace:

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
doesnt matter polygraphs are not addmissable and any court period, lie your ass off about anything you want, or believe some dudes who make a living out of being stupid


Well-Known Member
nice, I dvr'd pen and teller last night but I havent had a chance to watch it yet
I love that show, I want to go back and watch the first few seasons


Well-Known Member
i was accused of a strong arm robbery and had to take a poly. i have never been that scared knowing that my fate was in the hands of a man and his machine. the dude that claimed i robbed him ended up going down for it. he took the money himself then called the cops and gave them a description of a truck that matched mine. after they arrested me the punk pointed me out in a line up. when the cops went thru my truck they didn't find a gun or any money. they arrested me 10 minutes after the robbery was soppose to have taken place. the next day the detective told me if i would agree to a polygarf that he would let me sign my bail bond. that was the worst week of my life waiting to take the test. i didn't know it at the time, but when i was being prosessed out the punk was coming in the jail.


stays relevant.
Alright people... be honest-- How many of you clenched your asshole when you read the title of this thread? ;)


Well-Known Member