Clever Idea working... What do you think?

So to give some back ground so i get some comments:roll:..... This is my first Grow. All are from clone form, 2 cyclone, 2 train wreck, 1 gummy bear, and 2 P5's?? This is becoming kinda overwhelming and any input or assistance would be soooooo helpfulll.

i am running a 1000W hps. in a space thats 3x3x6.... This website is awsome so i have been searching around for info on how to cool the heat without breaking down a buying a different air cooled light. So i came up with this! check it out... i bought a peace of glass from the local glass outfit. cut 30" - 45" an and used the wood shelving things the space had with some ghetto rigging.
Question: are any uv's being cut off to my baby's?
the heat was around 89 at time now with my change its 77F. but the humity at their night is around 60%... you can see leaves kinda drooping.... is this a problem....
Also i transplanted two yesterday and used a combo of the two soil in the pic..... the last time i used just FF Ocean mix... it burned the Shit out of my Best young ladY!!!!:joint::evil:.. so this time i used the light warrior and i gave it some B1 today.... i hope it love it!

I took a picture of my hole process so people can lay into me with IDEA'S.... I thought the glass thing was Super Clever however if its a problem at night iL have to change it.... Please Comment on My Thread!!!! I have A bad Sucess rate on Respnses! I Can use the Ideas and iM super thankful!!!!!!!!



Well the whole idea for the glass is to seal the lights heat and vent it before it builds up....but if it bring you temps down than it is serving its purpose i guess. It looks like you have a fan near your bulb, good, you dont want to trap too much heat by it. That will burn your buld out extra fast.
Might have a few too many plants going for that area, unless you flip them when they are still on the small side



Well-Known Member
You loose a bit thru glass. But mosr run aircooled hoods. So no big deal. But that fan you have taped to the exhaust duct. If it is not a ballbearing motor. You are asking for a fire having it horizontal like that. I would figure out a way to hang it vertical.


Double duty because you want the exhaust as high up as you can get it.
If you strapped that duct yo the roof than it would be higher and also put your fan in the right place at the same time
Good eye coyboy


Well-Known Member
Double duty because you want the exhaust as high up as you can get it.
If you strapped that duct yo the roof than it would be higher and also put your fan in the right place at the same time
Good eye coyboy
Excellent point also.
so im guessing you guys are talking about the heat all gathering at the top.... to i should have that fan right at the top of my vent.....
Yo! nicedreams.... that is not tempered glass.... the guy at the place was askin me what it was for.... long story short i ended up geting not tempered....

So you anyone else think i am pushing it as far as my room??? Do i have too many in this 3x3x6 space i thought it was perfect.. i was gona put that last one in soon. they are all in flower right now.... and oldest has been for 23 days now... i noticed when i broght the others into the room my oldest seemed like it quit growin as this why?


Well-Known Member
I was talking about the fan 'laying on its back' It needs to be upright to be on the safe side. Nice Dreams point was you should have the fan near the top of the room where the most heat collects. As far as the number of plants. You will just have to decide the right time when to flower. So the room does not become overcrowded. Your temps will rise some also as the plants get bigger and cuts down on air circulation. You probaly will want to trim the lower third or so of the plant to allow to better air circulation.


Well-Known Member
Yep. And you be surprised at how fast 7 plants 18-24 inches tall will fill that space up when you start to flower.
Yea.... everything in these pics are in flowering.... the one with all the buds on it is older than the rest.. i started it at about the same height as the others you see due to my lack of space.... i think i wont have a probem with space.. or hope not... Is 60 % hummity to high? and when should i trim those lower thirds? now? what will that do to the yeild? thanks guys your much help...


Well-Known Member
try to drop your humidity to around 45-55% (it might get a little higher during night, thats ok). as for trimming, some swear by it, others do not. imo LST is a far better option than trimming seeing as most leaves on the plant are basically nutrient factories.
My larger plant that had most of the more droopy leaves seems to be getting worse.... can anyone give any advice? its growing new leaves but the older fan leaves are droopy and some are turning yellow. i know this is normal when you start flowering but i didnt think drooping was normal. it is growing tho..... i think as long as its growing im doing something right. please any ideas will help
i got some ph down today i hope it helps.. my plan is to flush it with the good 6.0 ph water... the water that was goin in was 7.4 ph ! i found out..... im sure this is what is causing my problem hu?