clf spectrum question. please help


Active Member
i got a question about spectrums...for one plant could i jus use one 42 watt 6500k bulb and one 42 2700k bulb? and if so, would it be benifitial for me to rotate the plants regularly? Ive heard of people using similar technics but with numerous bulbs. i didnt know if it was any diffrent because of the fact i will only be using two bulbs to one plant. Im wondering if anyone had tried a similar setup?


Active Member
do you mean one blue n one red spectrum bulb? movin the light is always easier the bigger the plant/plants get in my experience!:)


Well-Known Member
bill..........jump offa dat wallet and buy some more lights. mixed spectrum is okay. lean towards blue in veg and red in flower, or "cooler" in veg and "warmer" in flower. more lights, man...........
that's an order:)


Active Member
bill..........jump offa dat wallet and buy some more lights. mixed spectrum is okay. lean towards blue in veg and red in flower, or "cooler" in veg and "warmer" in flower. more lights, man...........
that's an order:)
what scrog said haha ^
my last grow effort was a dual spectrum cfl setup all the way through, id def fork out for a blue bulb and a separate red for flowering.the 300w mammouths:D gta be okay openin that wallet tho haha


Active Member
well im only growing either one or two plants....its like 50-60 dollars for mids round here.....and i can save a whole pile of money.....and thanx for the info...i was thinkin maybe using the 6500k light primarily on the plant during veg, and use the 2700k bulb primarily on the plant during flower but use both lights at the same time. i went with 55 watt bulbs 3860 lumens. I know that these are not even close to enough watts/lumens to have a giant harvest, im jus looking for a decent yeild that isnt gonna cost a whole paycheck. Thank you for the information guys.


Active Member
if i had the opportunity and cash right now (expectant dad!) id definitely go cfls:) i think id use 1 red and 1 blue spectrum bulb together for veg' (like yourself) but id give two red spectrum bulbs a go for the flowering. again if i had the cash! the 300w mammouths i used are about £30-40 nowadays!


Active Member
me personal theory is throw as much red spectrum light at it as you can during flowering, alot of growers using trad' lighting say you wont get anywhere near as much yield/thc/trichome production using cfls but i think for 1 or 2 plants there are good results to be had!
someone correct me if im wrong im not a figures person but two 300w cfls like above or similar should be more than a match for a 1000w hps??


i dont mean to be an asshole but u should not expect more than a couple of grams with only two of those lights.. Or.. you could make me eat my words by pulling more than what im trying to get out of 2x 65w 6500k and 3x 65w 2700k'sin a mini homebox.. whats ur cabinet like?


Active Member
dont need a cabinet in the boonies....ive got a closet setup lined with mylar in a small area....with a boxfan runnin with the door cracked....

Thanx for the info guys.... and congrats Retrofuzz...lifes a funny thing...!


Active Member
sorry ironfox....didnt see your reply....anyways my cabinet is literally just a closet...with a box that i fastened outta mylar insulation an ducktape....and i have a small 13w circulator fan runnin at all times...lights are jus hangin in the box with mylar over the top of em...