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Ask Ethan: Could We Just Build A 'Space Sunshade' To Counteract Global Warming?
The Earth is warming, and humans aren't doing nearly enough to combat it. Could partially blocking the sunlight be the solution?

And how does this article where he talks about operating in Arizona, have anything to do with space based system?![]()
An Astronomer’s Solution to Global Warming
The technology developed for telescopes, it turns out, can harness solar
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Ask Ethan: Could We Just Build A 'Space Sunshade' To Counteract Global Warming?
The Earth is warming, and humans aren't doing nearly enough to combat it. Could partially blocking the sunlight be the solution?
maybe we could help them develop some green alternatives, give them low cost loans for solar and wind equipment, give them technical assistance...?What can one small country do, when all is sabotaged by leading country-Germany, closing their nuclear plants and shifting to gas and even coal when needed. Greanpeace fight against nuclear energy in past 30 years seems to be the main reason we will not have enough clear energy sources in EU.
It´s time to face it, nothing can stop planet heating for 4-6°C average in two hundred years. There is no cheaper energy source than coal and oil for developing countries. What are we gonna say them-stop developing? All accesable fosil resources will be used, probably some methane hydrates as well. Mankind is addicted to fosil fuels and cheap energy, we have to be ready for changes about to come.
There are other solutions proposed and Angel has several, it is not my idea and has been proposed by several scientists. It would only be a stop gap measure IMO, if a feasible method was found. Keeping it at L1 and controlling it are engineering issues as would be the choice of methods. It is something that is being studied and might produce a temporary solution until we can reduce carbon and methane. I favor it more personally than fucking with the atmosphere to reflect more sunlight, but we might have to do something until we can lower carbon output and perhaps capture and sequester it. We might have to employ a variety of solutions and one of them could be reducing the solar energy warming the earth as we strive to lower carbon output. The way I see it the choices are to deflect it in space or reflect it from the atmosphere, if such a solution is employed.And how does this article where he talks about operating in Arizona, have anything to do with space based system?
"However, both of these potential solutions have some drawbacks: they're very expensive and the solution is temporary. We have experience launching objects to L1, as the majority of our Sun-observing satellites are located there. But it's very difficult to send large quantities of mass to space, and that's what would be required here. If we considered the lighter proposal of a series of thin film circles, with each one just 1/5000th of an inch this and weighing just 1 gram, that would still add up to ~20 million tonnes of mass."
Whereas satellites launched to L4 or L5 will be in stable orbits that can last for aeons, satellites launched to L1, L2 or L3 are in quasi-stable orbits. Without any intervention, even with ideal orbital insertion, they will drift away and out of their ideal positions on timescales of just a few years. The only way to maintain them is to either:
- boost them, which requires outfitting them with self-propulsion technologies,
- service them, requiring maintenance launches to go up and re-adjust their orbits,
- or to simply replace them, meaning that we'd need to continuously launch new ones to replace the ones that drift away.
It would be a remarkable feat if we could counteract global climate change with a one-time investment in space, but due to the way gravitation works, even the idea of blocking sunlight before it arrives will require enormous ongoing investments in maintenance."
Your own article says it is pie in the sky.
Or drive less.There are other solutions proposed and Angel has several, it is not my idea and has been proposed by several scientists. It would only be a stop gap measure IMO, if a feasible method was found. Keeping it at L1 and controlling it are engineering issues as would be the choice of methods. It is something that is being studied and might produce a temporary solution until we can reduce carbon and methane. I favor it more personally than fucking with the atmosphere to reflect more sunlight, but we might have to do something until we can lower carbon output and perhaps capture and sequester it. We might have to employ a variety of solutions and one of them could be reducing the solar energy warming the earth as we strive to lower carbon output. The way I see it the choices are to deflect it in space or reflect it from the atmosphere, if such a solution is employed.
It is a last resort IMO, but what we are doing might not be enough to arrest global warming sufficiently, but whatever we do, we need to be able to shut it off if it has unexpected undesirable effects, which is why I don't like the idea of fucking with atmospheric reflectivity. Perhaps the next generations of Elon's starlink satellites in low earth orbit could have large reflectors, there will end up being thousands of them. They could use the solar wind to maintain orbit as they orbited the earth. We are gonna end up with tens of thousands of them from different countries and companies in orbit anyway so perhaps they could do the job with a few meters of mylar on each one.Or drive less.
The article that you linked to said the area equivalent to the moon.It is a last resort IMO, but what we are doing might not be enough to arrest global warming sufficiently, but whatever we do, we need to be able to shut it off if it has unexpected undesirable effects, which is why I don't like the idea of fucking with atmospheric reflectivity. Perhaps the next generations of Elon's starlink satellites in low earth orbit could have large reflectors, there will end up being thousands of them. They could use the solar wind to maintain orbit as they orbited the earth. We are gonna end up with tens of thousands of them from different countries and companies in orbit anyway so perhaps they could do the job with a few meters of mylar on each one.
There are several proposed schemes some involve small reflectors and some giant ones, more no doubt will be proposed as the problems become more acute. I dunno how much more we can do or how fast we can do it, but it takes time to roll out EVs, renewables and energy storage, but it has to make economic sense before it happens. We have to have alternatives and can't go back to medieval peasantry, unless our global civilization collapses, but even then "back to the land" is not an option and neither are woodstoves for heating and cooking. It looks like we can have a green future, the technological solutions are either at hand or close at hand for much of it, but we might also have to buy time using other methods until we get there. Even if we went to zero carbon by next year, it might not be enough as we have blown through warming targets already and climate change is not a process that can be stopped on a dime, or even in a decade or two.The article that you linked to said the area equivalent to the moon.
I'm not sure what we'll end up doing, but whatever it is will only be a stop gap measure, until we change our habits across almost all industries.These things are not a solution, at best, if feasible, they are a stop gap to buy us time, the solution is to get our environment back into balance and keep it that way.
In Case of Climate Emergency: Deploying Space Bubbles To Block Out the Sun
“Space Bubbles” – The Deflection of Solar Radiation Using Thin-Film Inflatable Bubble Rafts An interdisciplinary group of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is exploring a space-based solar shield to reduce incoming radiation on Earth’s surface—hence combatting climate
... the solution is to get our environment back into balance and keep it that way.
A common argument from the irrational side of the spectrum, far right.
Instead, how can one small country exercise influence on the rest if it doesn’t set a good example itself first. It would be like complaining about a neighbor’s trashy garden while using your own backyard as a garbage dump, i.e. hypocritical.
Plus, we’ve been brainwashed by a government commercial in the 90s, “a better environment starts with yourself”. Every little bit helps.
Entirely agree with your comment about Germany but then the circumstances changed and they have learned it was a dumb move that cost them more than they were trying to save. Instead of aiming for 100% renewables in 2050 they moved it to 2035. Germany is definitely not the one not playing ball.
You’re giving too much credit to Greenpeace and way too little to the anti-nuclear movement in Germany that led to their Green Party as well as the catastrophes in Chernobyl and Fukushima. NL will build two new ones before 2035 and despite my donations to greenpeace I do not oppose.
Nothing messy about who and what is far right, especially if you understand the concept of context.Sorrry, don´t know what do you mean by far right. It´s so messy, american conzervatives, nazis, anarchocapitalists?
Yes, to set up a good example is the right way, is mass electromobility this right example? I don´t think so, it´s highly demanding on natural resources, copper for example and transportation is not a key thing in this all.
Antinuclear movement is far older than Fukusima and is even stronger in Austria. When Fukusima ocured, all EU plants had sefety checks and there was no reason to close any. It was political decision and not based on facts, but feelings. That´s just stupid.
Nothing messy about who and what is far right, especially if you understand the concept of context.
EVs requiring resources like anything else humans create is another argument typical from the rural and populistic far right. It’s like not giving up on mountain dew in favor of fruit juice cause there’s still sugar in that too. Irrational (read: dumb) and disqualifies them from participating in adult conversations about solving the problems that have to be solved.
Yes, the anti-nuclear movement is older than Fukushima - nobody claimed otherwise - it’s also older than greenpeace in europe.
Transport is 25% of CO2 emission in europe, thus not including nitrogen. It’s a key part of reducing emission levels, goal is 90% reduction on transport alone.
In the US transport is 29% of total emission and is the largest contributor.
Facts matter. Anything that uses fossil fuel while there are cleaner alternatives has to be addressed. Don’t let the impossible perfect stand in the way of the good.