Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 29.6%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 38 25.0%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 69 45.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Not to make lite of that fucked up situation, but aren't they mostly all Red state Bible thumpers who doesn't believe in science mostly & global warming/climate change hardly at all.
Now all those Conservative assholes in those states that are so proud of pulling up they're boot fucking straps and looking with disdain at any Federal aid or those that accept it (Socialism, right?) are going to be lining up in droves mooching/scamming Uncle Sam for every red cent they can lay they're bulbous hands on.
If I was Schumer I'd tell Paul to suck my dick, you piece of shit.
You voted against aid for NY after that last Hurricane, well now you can eat shit & die, along with all of your inbred constituents, motherfucker.

That's what I would say

I love this movie/gotta play it :)



Well-Known Member
It's perfect irony that global climate change deniers are the ones most in the path of radical fixes to save themselves. Thoughts and prayers etc...



Well-Known Member
I was a small business owner in 1999. Just handyman shit, but we did well. The first ever recorded F5 tornado passed through an Oklahoma City suburb called Moore. 300 mph winds recorded for the first time. People were shocked at the power. My family is from Moore (and everywhere else in OK) so I shut down shop, packed my tools, and headed South to see if I could help. Well, no infrastructure existed so I just went residence to residence, ending up in a tiny little town called Mullhall a few miles north of OKC, pop. 250 or so. It was literally wiped from the face of the Earth. Only scattered bricks and lumber remained of downtown.

This is now an annual occurrence.

Mulhall OK, May 3 or 4, 1999

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Well-Known Member
it is only 75 years or so away. that's nothing for earth even with climate change. it's been here millions of years. climate change to effect us will make us live inside mostly. 35 years of south florida you live inside mostly and hop from AC place to AC place.


Well-Known Member
I was a small business owner in 1999. Just handyman shit, but we did well. The first ever recorded F5 tornado passed through an Oklahoma City suburb called Moore. 300 mph winds recorded for the first time. People were shocked at the power. My family is from Moore (and everywhere else in OK) so I shut down shop, packed my tools, and headed South to see if I could help. Well, no infrastructure existed so I just went residence to residence, ending up in a tiny little town called Mullhall a few miles north of OKC, pop. 250 or so. It was literally wiped from the face of the Earth. Only scattered bricks and lumber remained of downtown.

This is now an annual occurrence.

Mulhall OK, May 3 or 4, 1999

View attachment 5045077
I was amazed at the number of folks who came after Hurricane Micheal to help us. These kind of events does bring out the best and worst in humanity. (we've had a bit of trouble come to light locally with fake contractors getting their license by paying bribes. It's small time compared to the graft case the FBI have going on on the coast, but still disappointing)


Well-Known Member
We need to learn to build downwards but still above the water table in these areas, same with fire zones.
Cousin John is up, and we had the TV news covering the twisters on while he was visiting. He was telling about when he was stationed in SD. He lived in a trailer park, but they had a shelter to go to when the warning came. He said the sheriff's department would come around and use the PA to wake everyone up and they would all pile into the shelter and go back to sleep.


Well-Known Member
It's perfect irony that global climate change deniers are the ones most in the path of radical fixes to save themselves. Thoughts and prayers etc...

But they have God on their side so all is cool.
He just works in mysterious ways, right y'all?
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Well-Known Member
I was amazed at the number of folks who came after Hurricane Micheal to help us. These kind of events does bring out the best and worst in humanity. (we've had a bit of trouble come to light locally with fake contractors getting their license by paying bribes. It's small time compared to the graft case the FBI have going on on the coast, but still disappointing)
Yeah, I did rescue work for my Florida family the year they had 4 hurricanes make landfall. 2001 or 02? Brought my tools and 5000 watt genny. They never returned my damn generator lol.


Well-Known Member
occums razor? sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. our weather is changing..we still haven't had snow and may break the 1883 record.
You should visit north California & Hawaii if you want to see some snow.
It snowed in Hawaii last week & Cali is supposed to get 10 fucking feet in 3 day's starting yesterday.


Well-Known Member
You should visit north California & Hawaii if you want to see some snow.
It snowed in Hawaii last week & Cali is supposed to get 10 fucking feet in 3 day's starting yesterday.
We had a foot of snow on Thursday night (first real snow fall) and rain with warm temps on the weekend, all the snow is gone and the grass is green. We get it in waves usually, warm wet air from the south and then a few days of shit from the north. I prefer rain to snow, ya don't need to shovel snow or scrap off frost from windows and it easier on the heating bill too.