'Clinic' Price List For Growing


Well-Known Member
Better yet 50 plants and yield is only 10g a day? at just 3 oz plant thats umm gotta be more than 3650g....uhhhhhhh you do the math............is it different in canada? jk.:peace:


Well-Known Member
In one sense it's peanuts if you're looking to get into the BM in a big way. If I were so inclined spending $6k to get a 300 plant count limit would be the least of my worries/costs associated with setting up a grow op that size.

From a medical patient perspective it's f'n raping the sick, and that's the market they're supposedly serving so yes, they're f'n rapists #$%! These people are the one's who JT and his cronies should be busting, not dispensaries...

c ray

Well-Known Member
that's pretty standard pricing for 'pay to play' docs

seen ads like that in bc hydro stores for a long time


Well-Known Member
1.LP'S Do not wantt this to happen dumbass..mmm..squeel?...sounds like what you do not like about LP's
ie.back door squeeling...[u make me puke]

"the College of physicians"..mm....great... the ones who ARE the reason for this..you night get a MEDAL

2.most times its either that[you really still do need a drs diagnosis too] or NOTHING....

3. yes it sucks big but not as much as getting no license...but thats no problem for those who already are fortunate enough to have one

4. do i think it sucks..YES.YES YES

.does it suck YES..

do i think its better than not getting anything........FUCKING ...........YES..

>>>>>>>>>FUCKING>>>>>>>FUCKING YES
Dumbass squeeler? Like the old song goes " Check yourself before you wreck yourself" You best come fucking correct. Im no squeeler fuck face. So you would rather they extort then be reported for "fear" some people go without? Good game plan chief.Im sure the DROVES of truly sick flocking this place will be disappointed. Its clearly set up to benefit those who want an in to the medical system for BM at those prices. Affraid those guys wont get to play?


Well-Known Member
i deleted all sorts of crap
sure its true but i like calyxcrusher so i don 't like jumping on him
we are almost on the same side
guys..this whole thing is not black and white
i'm, out
thanks itsmehigh..thats better
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Well-Known Member
Why the fuck does Hellth Canada allow this to go on? It's a blatant abuse of the system and is only going to end up causing the gov't to clamp down again and hurt the legitimate patients that just want to grow their own meds.

What these pay and play docs are doing is criminal and I can't for one second believe that the gov't isn't aware it's going on. If anything they plan to use abuses like this to shut down re-legalization or at least drag it out for years. Notice how they are saying now that they expect to have it legal about 6 months before the next election? That's so they can get all the idiots that voted them in lined up to do it again.


Well-Known Member
Why would I do that? I am already registered under ACMPR.

Waiving my ACMPR paper in front of a police officer's face would only be rude.

It is you claiming that MMAR paper is valid authorization, not me. I know better and only keep mine as souvenirs.

So back to you, are you basically not willing to back up your claim? Talk is cheap.
I'm not claiming shit.I know I'm legal, i don't need to prove shit to you. if you think it would be rude, why would you suggest someone do it? I know an 8 year old that does that...is that you, Zach? I'm telling you the facts as told by a judge.. I'll make it fucking easy for you cause I can tell you're pretty thick. Google "mmar injunction' and get your mom to read the results to you. Never mind, I don't want to have to explain 'Google' to you. Look at the words following the number 1. I underlined it for you to make it easier. I'll let Judge Phelan back up my claim.

October 9th, 2016
Everyone is very grateful for the work of the MMAR Coalition (now Cannabis Rights Coalition) in raising substantial funds initially in late 2013 and throughout to enable us to take the action, obtain the injunction pending trial in March, 2014, obtain the final order in the patient's favor in February, 2016 and requiring the government to restore essentially the MMAR by August 24, 2017. The Task Force on Legalization will report to the government in November, 2016 and the government will apparently commence the legislative process towards legalization in the spring of 2017 and obviously there will be more changes in relation to the "reasonable access for medical purposes" in a legal regime instead of being an exception under a criminal law statute - namely the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Here is the October 9, 2016 update from the MMAR Constitutional Challenge link on my webpage, with some slight modifications and emphasis, and additions that sets out my current opinion and instruction/advice to all "medically approved" patients:
  1. Those of you who are covered by the Allard decision, and in particular the injunction Order of March 21, 2014 of Justice Manson continue to be protected by that Order and the final Order "until this Court orders otherwise" as per Justice Phelan, February 24, 2016 - 2016 FC 237;
  2. Those of you who were not covered by Allard may now apply under Part 2 of the ACMPR since August 24, 2016 to register to produce for yourself or to have a designated person produce for you at the production site that is specified in the application. This enables those of you who wish to change your previous MMAR site to now apply to produce at the new location. The ACMPR application is not a renewal nor a transition and you do not provide any of your old medical documentation in support of your application. You have to get a new "medical document" under the ACMPR and provide the "original" of that document with your application to register;
  3. I recommend that those of you covered by the Allard injunction and Orders also apply under the ACMPR for the same coverage that you have under the MMAR as the provisions of the ACMPR are substantially if not identical to the MMAR in terms of the formulas in relation to dosages per day. You need to get a new " medical document" from your physician/doctor and as under number 2 above, you do not send in MMAR documents but the 'original' of that document. This way you may be covered under both the Allard injunction and the ACMPR before any new changes are made. Further, you will not simply be at the mercy of the Courts further order whatever that might turn out to be;
  4. If you experience problems obtaining the same thing under the ACMPR as you had on the MMAR, please do NOT call my office, but prepare a statement of the problems that you have experienced that limit what you had or continue to have under the MMAR that arise from the ACMPR so we can see what problems the new regulations pose for patients and can submit that to the court to demonstrate the problems when it comes to that court making any further orders. This should be sent by snail mail or email to my office or to the MMAR Coalition at [email protected];
  5. If your problems are with your physician/doctor in relation to dosage or otherwise, this is not caused by the ACMPR, except to the extent that it carries forward the doctors as gatekeepers from the MMAR, but by the Canadian Medical Association and Provincial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. If you experience these problems a statement by snail mail or email should also be sent to my office indicating this type of problem so we can determine what proceedings can be taken against those bodies for restricting reasonable access. You should also consider filing a complaint against her doctor with the local provincial college or complaining to the college about its unreasonable restrictions on the patient's "reasonable access";
  6. The ACMPR consists essentially of the MMPR in Part 1 and the MMAR and Part 2 with a few changes. The Task Force on Legalization will report in November and new "legalization" legislation is expected in the spring of 2017 that will further address medical "reasonable access" in the context of a legal regime and not the continued prohibition regime that currently exists - this is where further changes will arise.
Consequently, in my opinion, medically approved patients whether grandfathered under the MMAR or new applicants, including old MMAR applicants who were not covered, should apply under the ACMPR to try and obtain the equivalent of what they had under the MMAR and keep a record of any problems they have on obtaining "reasonable access" and provide them to [email protected] to keep a record of them for possible introduction into evidence to show the problems with the ACMPR if this matter goes back to court in front of Justice Phelan in a further effort to modify the injunction order, challenge the doctor gatekeeper role or possibly upon the application of the government to end the injunction order. In my opinion, even if you can't obtain your same dosage as before, you should obtain whatever possible dosage the doctor will allow and then worry about trying to get a greater allowance afterwards. Those with current large dosages should be prepared to explain and justify the need and perhaps also obtain the report of an expert/specialist.

I would recommend that a list also be kept of those doctors that are abusing the process by taking kickbacks from the LPs or charging exorbitant fees be kept as well as one that identifies honest and knowledgeable and informed doctors in this area so that other patients can be referred to and treated by knowledgeable physicians and the others are avoided and perhaps reported to the local College of Physicians and Surgeons.

John W. Conroy QC
Conroy & Company
Barrister & Solicitor


Well-Known Member
Why would I do that? I am already registered under ACMPR.

Waiving my ACMPR paper in front of a police officer's face would only be rude.

It is you claiming that MMAR paper is valid authorization, not me. I know better and only keep mine as souvenirs.

So back to you, are you basically not willing to back up your claim? Talk is cheap.
Those of you who are covered by the Allard decision, and in particular the injunction Order of March 21, 2014 of Justice Manson continue to be protected by that Order and the final Order "until this Court orders otherwise" as per Justice Phelan, February 24, 2016 - 2016 FC 237;
So back to you....tell me how I'm not legal. Talk is cheap.