Justice is irrelevant,it became irrelevant when sjw ideology decided to use the righteous cause of justice to encompass every foul act on earth .
Cases in point,social justice causes are anti body shaming & what do we have here at riu ? sjw's who use body shaming against females & males alike,social justice is supposed to be anti racism but anybody who disagrees is attacked with racial slurs,social justice is supposed to be about keeping weaker people safe yet day after day we watch sjw mobs beat helpless people .
Social justice is a fraud for weaklings .
"Social justice is a fraud for weaklings". hoooboy, that is rich.
You really did combine those words but do you understand them? Especially when, just beforehand, your arthritic fingers typed out how the same weaklings are beating people up.
Social justice served you well when you were given back your right to vote after serving your sentence. I think state laws depriving ex-felons the right to vote are unjustified. So, no complaints from me that you are going to exercise that right in November. I think returning your rights to vote was just. In your degraded ass-raping-still-a-convict mind, does that make me weak?
Like the cowardly white supremacist narcissist piss-ant that you are, once you got yours, you turned on everybody else that are deprived of rights. And so you belittle and deride efforts to make this a more just society. No wonder you fear the majority who stand up for your and other people's rights. There are strength in numbers. You and your white supremacist buddies are vastly outnumbered.
Your go-to complaint about violence solely coming from the opposition to Trump is hogwash. For the source of that violence, you should look to the rhetoric of your pussy grabbing, "want to punch him" candidate as the spark that is igniting violence. Words matter and Trump's rhetoric inflames passions of the weak minded among us to the left and the right. But Trump knows this. I suspect you do too. Overlooking that point serves your ends and you don't care about the means.
As I said before, we should all start laughing any time the word "Justice" shows up in one of your ignorant postings. Every time you refer derisively toward "sjw", you raise the flag of your own racism.