Clinton is the next POTUS

Who is going to be the next President?

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That isn't exceedingly rare, or more common than you think.. To the extent that were talking about inheriting money Donald Trump has to be compared with someone who inherited even 50 million dollars. That is only one order of magnitude off. Most people don't change their wealth that much it is impressive and deserves respect. Eleven billion dollars, people that have EleveN Billion dollars look at men who have 200 million dollars closer to YOU than to themselves.
11 billion hahaha! The dumpster likes to exaggerate everything, haven't you learned that whatever he says you have to cut that in half or less. Forbes estimated he's worth 3-5 billion, I wouldn't mind having his money though.

Thought this thread was about Hillary. I realize the bitch is boring, but why isn't anybody posting about her net worth, and where her foundation gets its money from?
That's a stupid thing to say. As if he inherited cash or investable assets. He was born with real-estate, which is not investible like cash. The ultimate goal is to increase your net worth as close to that as possible. No one that rich has investible assets. Stocks are the values of these investible interests most time because they're based on the production of that. So theyre the value of increase of growth of most all other businesses.

You say he would have had about the same as the stock market would have gotten him, that shows Trump is brilliant because the guys that run wall street set the standard, and he increased his wealth just as fast as they did theirs. Given the circumstances I'm surprised you cant what a compliment that is of Trump.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Your entire diatribe of misinformation is not at all surprising from that of a Trump supporter. In fact, Trump likes it that way.

A couple of notes I'd like to point out. Of course he inherited cash. He was also born into a fair amount of real estate, which is about as liquid as an asset can get, aside from cash itself.

Stocks are the values of these investible interests most time because they're based on the production of that. So theyre the value of increase of growth of most all other businesses.

Stick to your day job bro, finance is not your thing. You are making yourself look silly. Seriously.

You say he would have had about the same as the stock market would have gotten him, that shows Trump is brilliant because the guys that run wall street set the standard, and he increased his wealth just as fast as they did theirs. Given the circumstances I'm surprised you cant what a compliment that is of Trump.

No, I said he would have MORE money if he had simply invested his inheritance in a simple money market fund. I am explicitly stating the terms, "more" and "simple money market funds". If you ask nicely I can teach you what a simple money market fund is as compared to a specific stock or a stock portfolio itself. We can even talk about fun things like strips, straps and straddles if you like.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you are talking to a former Financial Analyst who worked at a top 3 financial firm in the world. In lower east side.
You ever wonder why "Wall Street" would support a candidate?'s because that candidate would be good for American Business's & business investors........let me give you a hint....investors are good for America. Wall Street is in it for their investors. If you have a retirement fund, you are probably "Wall Street" and don't even realize it. Investors put their money into the American stock market because globally it's the best place to invest money. These guy's aren't stupid, & they are trying to make why do you think they don't endorse Trump?...o_O
You have no idea what you're talking about. Your entire diatribe of misinformation is not at all surprising from that of a Trump supporter. In fact, Trump likes it that way.

A couple of notes I'd like to point out. Of course he inherited cash. He was also born into a fair amount of real estate, which is about as liquid as an asset can get, aside from cash itself.

Stick to your day job bro, finance is not your thing. You are making yourself look silly. Seriously.

No, I said he would have MORE money if he had simply invested his inheritance in a simple money market fund. I am explicitly stating the terms, "more" and "simple money market funds". If you ask nicely I can teach you what a simple money market fund is as compared to a specific stock or a stock portfolio itself. We can even talk about fun things like strips, straps and straddles if you like.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you are talking to a former Financial Analyst who worked at a top 3 financial firm in the world. In lower east side.
I'm glad you cleared that up. More you say?
Compounded monthly, of course....
200 mill at 8% for 40 years is jusr under 5 billion, Half of trumps worth.

200 mill at 12% for 40 years is just over 12 billion. Trump's appx worth.

8% is the stock market standard, 12% is the hypothetical goal of the stock market.

Looks like he has doubled what is considered great growth, and tied what is considered best possible growth.

And looks like you don't know half as much as you think you do about stocks.
Yes, it is early Super Tuesday, and I am smiling broadly, as I stroke my cat named Dick( who is a Persian mixed male and a great cat) I bet right now that Trump is going to trounce all Republican comers, and become the next Republican candidate for the White House.(I'm typing with one hand now, and patting my cat on his head). This might be the fucking greatest feeling I might have ever experienced in my life. Unfucking believable.
Then, to top it off, Clinton pretty much says nice try old man to Sanders, you made some valid points, now go away, your a bother.
Anyway, it is 2:00 pm on March 1, so it is early, but vote here now, because a lot of people think Sanders is going to win, and I say bullshit. You have around 10 hours to get in your vote.
I bet on Clinton, and like I said above Sanders is an nice old man, that might win in Sweden, or some other pseudo Commie country, but not the USA
Trump will undoubtedly win, because Republicans are simply assholes, and what better way to show it The GOP might have been something good once, but like when? Not in my lifetime.
So, Clinton wins and Trump wins (I am really stroking my little Dickie poo right now)
Who do you think will be the next President, no bullshit, no other candidates involved.
Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
I guess you know who I'm betting on.

Sanders might win in Sweden?

You missed Ireland on of the top 10 socialist countries in Europe.

why don't we just save everyone time?

forget the next inning of the Series? next quarter..hell remaining few seconds of the Super Bowl?

there's a reason why we still continue with the voting process..

it ain't over till it's over..and I, for one, will never forgive media oligarchy for shutting Sanders out..I will do everything in my power to continue to not partake in their products, services etc.

I have a very long memory..boycotting is something YOU can do on a personal KILLS them more than you know not to have your single dollars..
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You ever wonder why "Wall Street" would support a candidate?'s because that candidate would be good for American Business's & business investors........let me give you a hint....investors are good for America. Wall Street is in it for their investors. If you have a retirement fund, you are probably "Wall Street" and don't even realize it. Investors put their money into the American stock market because globally it's the best place to invest money. These guy's aren't stupid, & they are trying to make why do you think they don't endorse Trump?...o_O

wall st is nothing more legalized gambling (with the people's money) in which the odds are against you more than you're aware..why did no one go to jail after crashing the economy when folks go to jail for some weed in their pocket?
I'm glad you cleared that up. More you say?
Compounded monthly, of course....
200 mill at 8% for 40 years is jusr under 5 billion, Half of trumps worth.

200 mill at 12% for 40 years is just over 12 billion. Trump's appx worth.

8% is the stock market standard, 12% is the hypothetical goal of the stock market.

Looks like he has doubled what is considered great growth, and tied what is considered best possible growth.

And looks like you don't know half as much as you think you do about stocks.
He started with $200 million, and lost it FOUR times, and if the banks didn't bail him out, he would probably be a used car salesman in the Bronx (where he belongs) because all he really is is an asshole with a big mouth, who acts like a little girl if someone asks him tough questions, basically about anything. Hillary is going to rip him into little pieces when they debate come November, and I cant wait for that.
You ever wonder why "Wall Street" would support a candidate?'s because that candidate would be good for American Business's & business investors........let me give you a hint....investors are good for America. Wall Street is in it for their investors. If you have a retirement fund, you are probably "Wall Street" and don't even realize it. Investors put their money into the American stock market because globally it's the best place to invest money. These guy's aren't stupid, & they are trying to make why do you think they don't endorse Trump?...o_O

Investors crashed the market, destroyed the Real Estate dreams of Americans paying mortgages or looking to buy,......I`d say you`re on to something JJ. I think they will support the one that will inflict the least damage to what they can get away with, so you go with the crooked one,....You`re on to something again JJ. I don`t want my kids chastised for me leaving them money so I wont go into the candidates net worth.

How could anyone see a bright change in our future with Hillary Clinton leading ? At least Donald can come up with a list of his successes in life, I can`t find or remember just one of Hillary Clinton`s. Can you JJ ? Donald can come up with his failures in life too, Hillary is way out in front of that one.

What`s Hillary gonna do for me besides keep things the same ole same ole thing everyone is complaining about in the first place and that`s America is going to shit ? Washington is full of crooks, bought and paid for, and junkies on the streets with Hillary, Who`s been there for so long, saying she cares. Really JJ ?

Hillary equals America still going to shit.

Donald Trump intersection is up ahead, we can take a right or left after stop or go strait,......... to shit.
Sanders might win in Sweden?

You missed Ireland on of the top 10 socialist countries in Europe.

why don't we just save everyone time?

forget the next inning of the Series? next quarter..hell remaining few seconds of the Super Bowl?

there's a reason why we still continue with the voting process..

it ain't over till it's over..and I, for one, will never forgive media oligarchy for shutting Sanders out..I will do everything in my power to continue to not partake in their products, services etc.

I have a very long memory..boycotting is something YOU can do on a personal KILLS them more than you know not to have your single dollars..
This ain't the Super Bowl, and Sanders ain't a Brady.
Maybe if he was running in Ireland, he might stand a better chance because they just love old Jewish underdogs.
As far as voting goes, no candidate has come back from losing Super Tuesday in 40 years, and Sanders wont be the 1st in this century, that's a bet (I'll put my real face as my Avatar if Sanders wins and if he loses, you put your face up. Wanna Bet?) Don't get me wrong schuylaar. I actually like that decrepit old goat, but his political thoughts will never be acceptable in this land of mental midgets, and the powers that control them. Clinton is the only real hope for the Democratic party to actually accomplish something meaningful in DC. Your a bright person and you really should face up to that fact. Let me know if you want to accept that bet, as I always wanted to see your probably beautiful face, and I know I will win this one.
This ain't the Super Bowl, and Sanders ain't a Brady.
Maybe if he was running in Ireland, he might stand a better chance because they just love old Jewish underdogs.
As far as voting goes, no candidate has come back from losing Super Tuesday in 40 years, and Sanders wont be the 1st in this century, that's a bet (I'll put my real face as my Avatar if Sanders wins and if he loses, you put your face up. Wanna Bet?) Don't get me wrong schuylaar. I actually like that decrepit old goat, but his political thoughts will never be acceptable in this land of mental midgets, and the powers that control them. Clinton is the only real hope for the Democratic party to actually accomplish something meaningful in DC. Your a bright person and you really should face up to that fact. Let me know if you want to accept that bet, as I always wanted to see your probably beautiful face, and I know I will win this one.


Why Sanders Won Super Tuesday:
I'm glad you cleared that up. More you say?
Compounded monthly, of course....
200 mill at 8% for 40 years is jusr under 5 billion, Half of trumps worth.

200 mill at 12% for 40 years is just over 12 billion. Trump's appx worth.

8% is the stock market standard, 12% is the hypothetical goal of the stock market.

Looks like he has doubled what is considered great growth, and tied what is considered best possible growth.

And looks like you don't know half as much as you think you do about stocks.

According to Forbes, Trump is worth between 3 and 4 billion. He has yet to release any documentation stating actual net worth.

Let's keep in mind that I said simple money market accounts, not stocks. But ok, you are fixated on that. If he had put his money in blue chips or dividend yielding shares, he'd be looking at more of an average of 15% yearly growth. Same with something like a Juniper fund, yielding about 15% annually average over a 40 year period. 8% growth is pretty conservative investing.
Why Sanders Won Super Tuesday:

'It turns out that Hillary Clinton won all of the states she was supposed to win -- and a narrow victory in Massachusetts (remember she won Mass. by 15 points against Obama and still lost the primary in 2008). But Bernie Sanders had resounding wins in CO & MN. Those two states are much more indicative of the states that are coming in the rest of the primary schedule.'

and so you have it folks..and guess who's state is coming up?:mrgreen:

that's right..

that's why they call Florida the 'swing state' and I'm seeing Bernie Hillary in my area..someone even printed something of Bernies and taped it inside their the world of lazy people..that's huge!
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Why Sanders Won Super Tuesday:

'It turns out that Hillary Clinton won all of the states she was supposed to win -- and a narrow victory in Massachusetts (remember she won Mass. by 15 points against Obama and still lost the primary in 2008). But Bernie Sanders had resounding wins in CO & MN. Those two states are much more indicative of the states that are coming in the rest of the primary schedule.'

and so you have it folks..and guess who's state is coming up?:mrgreen:

that's right..

that's why they call Florida the 'swing state' and I'm seeing Bernie Hillary in my area..someone even printed something of Bernies and taped it inside their the world of lazy people..that's huge!
Yea, yea, yea.
Accept the bet, if you REALLY believe Bernie boy is going to win.

Come on girl, put your money (face) on the table (board) if you are so confident. Very simple bet.
Yea, yea, yea.
Accept the bet, if you REALLY believe Bernie boy is going to win.

Come on girl, put your money (face) on the table (board) if you are so confident. Very simple bet.

I don't need to bet anything, Jim..I'm fully capable of debating whereas others must resort to 'bets' in order to settle their differences..
I don't need to bet anything, Jim..I'm fully capable of debating whereas others must resort to 'bets' in order to settle their differences..
Ok, valid point. I'll leave you alone (You deep down inside know that Clinton will win, so no bet, is a good bet, right?)