Clipping lower branches.


Hey guys im have 6 plants that im scrogging...topping them 3 times each to have 8 colas at the end...Now i've seen that the lower branches have grown taller than my main ones.....which i think it making my main ones grow slower......

They are 14 inches tall and 5 weeks into veg...I was wondering if i can clip my lower branches now and leave my main ones? or should i wait until i start flowering them?


Active Member
Lookup the term 'Lollipopping', which describes the systematic/regular removal of lower branches putting the focus on the tops/colas.

You'll find various opinions on it, such as only do it in veg etc... Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works for you.



So I lollipopped my plants for the first time in my life.,..I clipped from 2 to 3 nodes up each branch...cleaned out fan leaves and nodes that were shaded...even some that were not, that is because I topped my plant a couple of times and and i want all those maine colas to grow tall and

6 weeks lollipopped 003.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 008.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 002.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 007.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 005.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 006.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 004.jpg6 weeks lollipopped 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
I lolipop as well, I will wait however until around day 20 - 30 in flower. But this is just what I like to do... But what the hell do I know I am just a stoner.


well I asked around and read a lot, i learned that its good to start lollipopping in veg too...start training those nice colas to grow thick and tall....
I topped three times each of my plants meaning im getting 8 colas outta a couple of more from each plant cause nice thick side branches grew already...
Other than you, im not a stoner...i like to smoke but on very rare occasions.....,.I just infatuated with marijuana growing..lool