I prob dry but motomom has done it frozen... try both!i put mine fresh in the freezer then use bubblebags and a hash machine. works great for me. i dont like all the dry stuff crumbling all over and having to clean up the mess it makes. just my opinion
I think it would depend on the type of hash making. solvent or sifting? and it seems it would mainly affect the consistency of the end product. not so much the potency (if using a good hash making method)
Dry is better IMO. I put all my trim in 2 20 gallon totes. Put a 6 inch fan blowing over them. Every few hours turn it over so air gets to them and no mold or rot. About 3 days it's dry and ready for bubble bags. The dryer it is the cleaner your hash will be. If used wet the end product will be greener. But if it's for personal use it's all up to you.
My experience is the opposite. Wet/frozen trim allows for cleaner bubble and a greater quantity compared to dry. FWIW, I produce at least a QP of (commercial) hash every month.sweet this was more of the answer I was looking for, thank you .