Clone bypass


hi all. Ive just been reading the many posts on cloning and I have a question or two if that's OK. First I'll give you a bit of background. I have a 2mtr by two mter grow room and after trial and error I now grow under 600wt light and plant in potting mix. Next crop though I will change potting mix to that white verma..... something or rather and that coconut stuff. Thing is though when I started I used that method were u pump just water through the roots via pipes an stuff and failed. Some of the failed plants I replanted outside and they shot up and flowered One plant that I kept "sampling" I pulled up and was going to throw but thought "why not put it in a pot of potting mix and put it in the room again with the new plants that were by now starting to flower so was on 12/12 lighting. With only the first lower branch(x2) left on it I didn't hold much hope but hey presto its booming again!!! So does this mean that instead of cloning we could just harvest and leave the plant "stump" in the ground and put it back on Veg lighting? Me thinks it could work except for the root growth binding problem but transferring to bigger pots and root trimming could solve that couldn't it?
It's called re-vegging. Takes a quite a while for a plant to get back into growing again, which makes cloning in the normal manner preferable.

I'd rather have a bunch of small clones/cuttings than the one, larger, re-vegging plant anyways.

Top marks for "discovering" this on your own though!
Thanks Sworth! Yea I didnt even think of weighing up that part of the problem. I'm going to make a few changes to my grow room this week. I'm thinking of adding another two by two room onto the one I have now so I can have one lot in veg while the other is in flower. I put 4 cuttings into water glass this arvo to try that out and will start tonight on building a clone box to try that as well. The end result I'm after is a steady supply for my friends and I. Just a side question.... with the cuttings I read were someone asked if the clone powder could get washed off the cutting when put inti the water and someone answered that its ok cause the powder was still in the water anyway. That being so is it worth adding a little clone powder to the water first?
I've never used the powders, only the gel. But I'm quite generous with that, and would be with a powder as well (especially if it has small amounts of nutrients in)

If you are taking the cutting. Dipping into water then into powder, then straight into soil/cube/perlite whatever
I can't see where it would get washed off...But you can put extra in the water for your own peace of mind imo. I put a drop or two of rooting gel into the hole in the medium before popping the cutting in...just for my peace of mind.

Clone box in the making? Veg room planned?..Ha ha ha haaargh!!

;)Welcome to the highly addictive world of Herb cultivation...welcome to our world.;)
lol it has become kinda addictive. To the point were when my first lot was ready I really really didn't want to part with my "girls" and was secretly deeply offended when a m8 tried it and said "yea its ok i guess" What!!! but I put so much work and love into them and their just ok!! lol My poor little ego was dented. On the one hand I would love a fully automated grow room were you insert a seed into the pot and come back later when its all been harvested and ready to go by itself. The reality is obviously not like that and even if it was I would still want to see them every day just so the girls don't get lonely! lol It started out as just wanting a bit of smoke when I wanted it and not just when it was available from the local (probably watched by the law) dealer and all the associated problems that go with that has now become an obsession to grow the best just for the sake of growing the best. I could say I have wasted months of hard work,money and time but the lessons learnt so far have been invaluable for the long term. The hardest part I guess is the advice sort from the net. So many experts with so many methods that as has been said by others you have to take the advice then tweek it to suit your own circumstances. So... just in case.. I want to let everyone know straight up that I am def a noob of the grow world and IF I ever give advice or input it really is noob based and my opinion is never set in stone! :-) My first harvest btw I estimate to yield about 8 oz from 9 3-4 ft plants and took all up about 5 mths of mucking about with growing systems , lights and food types. Not much yield I know but just means I can only get hopefully better in time. Pot size is also being changed from standard bucket size to 30 gal pots.