Clone dwarfs

For the last two years I've purchased clone seedlings from my dispensary for outdoor growing. I've planted them in the ground and in 3-gallon containers. They were planted around May 1 and flowered the middle of June. They were about a foot tall at the time and once they started flowering they stopped growing. We have beautiful weather and at 14 hours of sun. Just can't understand why they are so small. Years ago when I planted from seeds, they grew all summer, flowered in September and I harvested in October; they were 6-10 feet tall.

I'm surprised they flower so quickly and that they are so small. Any advice?



Well-Known Member
When I bought my seeds, they gave me 2 free, one of which was a dwarf variety. It flowered early and just now is showing trichomes. looks just like yours.
topped it and planted the clone which has been transplanted and doing fine. personally, I am not disapointed as at least I am going to have something to smoke while waiting for the others which have yet to show any sign of flower.
I say sount your blessings and when the time is right...............roll it up!!
Check your ph. Last year you might have had great results because of a good ph but the ph in outdoor soil can change drastically based on climate changes. Another thing is that different outdoor cannabis plants flower at different times. Some flower in June, some flower in september. This might have just been one of those plants that flowers in June. Also make sure that the clone you bought isnt autoflowering or a "lowryder."

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Friggin' wierd, aint it? I get at LEAST one dwarf every time. I generally take about 144 cuttings at a time and grow out 72 of them. Each batch has a dwarf!!! WTF is up with THAT? I never figured it out. Everyone gets the same exact thing.

Is this happening with ALL the clones you buy? My brother in law grows out clones that I start for him and they always get 5 to 6 ft. (Except for the occasional dwarf)


Well-Known Member
That's weird that they would flower in June, which is the month with the longest sunlight cycle. Maybe they're autoflower?