Clone From a Flowering Plant?


Well-Known Member
It is possible but this causes additional stress, slowing growth and development. Rooting may take up to three times longer when the cuttings are taken during the flowering cycle. The cutting may not have enough stored nutrients or carbohydrates to survive.


Well-Known Member
I recently took ten clones from about 2-3 weeks flowering plants all 10 rooted and started veg growth in 15 days.
I recently took clones from plants which were in the flowering cycle. The clones were speckled with crystal and still took. Everything seemed fine but after putting the clones into flowering they began growing a little funny. Check out the picture. I am wondering if there is another variable at work. They were stretching for light for 3 days while I was away on vacay and I put them into flowering a little earlier then I should have.



Well-Known Member
No do not clone once flowering is induced because you will need to veg and that will stress the plant you should take clones just before flowering

Cap K

Well-Known Member
No do not clone once flowering is induced because you will need to veg and that will stress the plant you should take clones just before flowering
Some guy's got a semi instructional video on youtube where he's taking clones from a plant in late flowering stages and he seems to have success.


I took a clone at 3 weeks and she's doin fine. Took a minute to revert back ta veg. now she's being trained using the bonsi method..