Clone Grow: 1 casey jones 1 g-13 a lot of pics!!


Active Member
hello, this is just a chronicle of my plants journey through their cycle of life..I have 2 clones one of g-13 and one of casey jones, and as of today they are doing awesome and are about a week 10 days into flowering..using foxfarm ocean forest soil and some tiger bloom nutrients. Just looking to get some feed back on how they are looking and maybe some projected yeilds...

Here are the pics in chronological order..

G-13 on the first day

G-13 maybe a week and half later

Casey Jones Week into veg.

G-13 week 2 of 24 hr lights

Casey Jones week 2 veg

G-13 must be right before flowering

Casey Jones must be right before flowering

Picture of the flowering set up 6 3000k and 1 5000k cfls

G-13 as of today 2/7/2010 about the 10th day of flowering

G-13 close up of the babyg nugs

Casey Jones as of 2/7/2010

Casey Jones Close up of the baby nugs

Any suggestions/comments are appreciated!!


Active Member
thanks they are in ocean forest soil and have been doing awesome in it. i also try to keep the environment pretty stable.


those look good you should look into those huge cfl they are 8 inch's long there huge am useing 3 of them and am getting two more i got mine at home depo for 15 dallor's!!!but good job

