Clone help Please !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok, its not that urgent. but i have a few questions about making cuttings root. i already know a good ammount.
ok, today at approx. 4:20 pm. i moved a cutting from a areoponics* device and put it in soil. i dipped the cutting end into the powder rooting solution and then put it into wet soil, and packed it down a little. an gave a little more water. now the cutting is under a light.

im just wondering how i should keep/treat the clone now? like how ofton should i water the new clone? how much light? i believe that i want the cutting on a 18/6 cycle so the roots will grow better.?.?. im going to leave the light on all day and night today, till tomm. at, and give it 6 hours of dark, untill 10pm.

any advice on clones/cuttings/ and rooting will be very usefull. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
The only way that clone can get water until it develops roots is for you to mist the part of the plant that is above ground. Trust me on this. I didn't read that part until it was to late for some of my clones.


New Member
If you are a soil grower, the next time, before you take cuttings, buy a bag of Perlite and a bag of Vermeculite. Mix the two 50/50 and put the mix into styrofoam cups. Punch some holes along the sides of the cups right near the bottom for drainage. The Perlite will let lots of air flow through the cups and the Vermeculite will retain moisture. Dip the cuttings into the rooting powder and place them into the cups. Keep the "soil" moist, but not too wet. Put them under floros ... I use two, two-foot, twenty watt bulbs and they work just fine. Mist the leaves every day ... and you can forget the humidity dome. They should show roots within 10 days.

The way you did it this time is inviting root rot. Just be careful not to get the soil too wet. Good luck ...



Well-Known Member
alright my clones are looking good. got the one in water and one in soil.
im just wondering about how long till the roots form on my soil girl??? today is day two of here being in soil. and i am continuing to mist her leaves.

also i have the clones on a 24 h constant light cycle. i kno i need to put them on 18/6. but when should i switch to the 18/6 cycle?? should i be on it now? or wait till like day 3 or 4?


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried without a dome but my plants look like hell when the dome dries out. can't imagine what they'd look like without it.

You don't have to buy a dome off the internet. I made my dome out of the top of a turkey roaster pan. The aluminum ones the sell at wal-mart? The tops are make out of clear plastic. Costs like $2.50