clone help?

alright so i looked at my plant this morning and i was like fuck this shit im gona clone cause this thing is too tall so cut my main stem at the beging of a set of leaves then i shortened the long stem and made it about 3 inches so i noticed my stem is hollow is it normal and also the clone has 2 tops so will it work?


Well-Known Member
So, like I was watching the Superbowl, and I said "Fukk that sheiot" i wonder what's going on at RIU...


Well-Known Member
Yes it is normal all cannabis plants have hollow stems, some are just thicker than others. Can't tell you if the clone will survive or not without a picture.



Active Member
It seems like you topped the main stem. I never really had luck cloning the top growth. Mainly because they are the ones hollow. It might root, but I would prefer lower growth. Your lower nodes are gonna rock now.
alrigh thanks guys clones seem to be having stronger sharper leaves right now and they have better color than before so is that a good sign?