Clone in Aero-Tub, Roots Turning Brown Help PLZ


Well-Known Member
i just noticed that a few of my babies roots are turning a slight brown, not the usual tint but a hair here n there is a but too brown for my taste, how do i correct this? they been running for 3 1/2 weeks in the aerotub and i run them using dyno-gro Grow and a bit of H2O2, as i type i am preping to give them a good 24hour straight flush since i just dumped my second Rez, whats the best way to keep the roots nice and white?


Active Member
Try rising your roots under the faucet and gently using your fingers to wash the brown away. Also, frequently chenge your water and keep it fresh! Hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
thanks bro, yea i noticed the stuff comes off as its a lil slimey, not all my nets have it just 3, but i have read on here numerous times thats not kosher, perhaps this is why it is recomended to always top-off and always add some fresh water to the stagnant water?


Active Member
thanks bro, yea i noticed the stuff comes off as its a lil slimey, not all my nets have it just 3, but i have read on here numerous times thats not kosher, perhaps this is why it is recomended to always top-off and always add some fresh water to the stagnant water?
Don't add fresh to stagnant water... change out the water with 100% fresh water every few days. Keep on eye on the Ph levels in your water too....I noticed that the brown slim tends to build up more on the roots as the water loses it's acidity.

Best of luck!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Get some Canna Rhizatonic and Cannazyme. Cananzyme eats the dead material and makes it useable for the plant and Rhizatonic keeps the roots white. There is no way I can run water over my roots so this is what I use. Go online there are lots of products that do the same thing. Listen to Sampson. You should not top off bad water. Its recomended you change the water in the res every week. Two Max!


Well-Known Member
im sorry, its not like the water was bad or stinky, what i meant was during a 2 week span im sure it could use fresh water, so cannazyme or some other enzyme containing product keeps roots looking fresh?