clone in rock well for 2 days outside then transplanted looking rouch HELP!


got 2 plants 1 white lavender and one dead head. the dead head has smaller leafs and isn't really growing the white lavender was in rockwool outside for 2 days and serious heat the wife did not spray them or transplant when I told her 2 and I was gone for work im thinkion nitrogen deficiency on lavenderwhite lavender.jpgdead head (2).jpgdead head.jpg

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well on the really fried-looking one, it looks like some rough handling mostly, that looks like shock. Either that or pH lockout I've seen that look similar too. Or some of the roots dried off in the hot spell outside.

The slow-growing one is too wet I'd say, it's doing that droopy thing over-watered plants like to do. In both cases all you can do is wait it out a bit. If it doesn't look better (the droopy one) after 2 days consider H202 treatment, really helps for overwatered plants.


Well-Known Member
a skewer can be used to gently poke holes into the soil to aerate it and help it dry. Also, air circulation will help out. You will kill all the beneficials with h202......might want do a kelp spray, watch those stems.....a deep purple is usually a P deficiency which harms roots. Good luck bro.