clone lighting, what works for you


Active Member
I'm currently cloning in my veg room under 1000x MH. Clones are in a humidity dome. I have them on the edges of my light footprint. I let them air out a few minutes every day. Running 24 hour light cycle. Do clones need down time? I've been successful just wondering if there are sugestions for a better method or If I might be stressing my girls too soon?


Well-Known Member
I always give all my plants down time.... they do stuff in the dark that they just cant do in the light....


Well-Known Member
I run my clones under CFLs 24/0, light intensity is a bad thing. Light is still needed but it will try and produce leaves if the intensity is too high and not roots. Down time would help if you plan to keep them under the MH light, this will give it a chance to root well in the dark. Another suggestion is to get a grocery bag and place it over the dome to reduce the intensity of light if you plan to run it 24/0. I usually get legs out of my rapid rooters in about 7-12 days max.



Active Member
humidity dome under T5HO rack on a yo-yo...
i also use, judiciously [!], a concoction of SPT and Olivia'sCS to boost rhizo development.



Well-Known Member
my ezclones are just on the floor in my veg room about 5 feet from the nearest flouro/CFL. they seem happy.