clone lighting


Active Member
i have a mother that has never been on 12/12 lighting, i am going to cut 2 clones, can i stick the clones into 12/12 lighting with 2700k cfl's and just start flowering or do i need to keep it into 18/6 lighting till the roots grow...? what's the purpose of color spectrum cfl's and what stage should i use them for


Active Member

It takes about 7-12 days for at clone to fully root itself.
After this period just could flower it right away or wait a few weeks, it depends on big you want the plant to get...
I would recommend to let the clone get atleast one or two weeks more that just the rooting period, this will allow for more nodes to form (more places for flowers)
If height is a problem, top the plants and bend them into shape (tie down)
When putting a plant into flower, expect it to grow tall very fast the first 2-3 weeks of the 12/12 light period.

The purpose of the different color-spectrums of CFL bulbs is to give the plant the right type of light at the right time.
When growing plants (vegging) more blue light is needed, that would be the higer Kelvin numbers like 6400k spectrum.
When flowering plants (budding) more yellow/red light is needed, and that would be the lower Kelvin numbers like 2700k spectrum.

I hope this helped...