Clone Machines / need some info


Active Member
I got a 165 site clone machine.

Should the pump be on all the time or set up to be on and off with a timer ?

What kind of water and solutions work best ?

Humid dome on or off ?

how far with lights and what kind ?

Thanks everyone,,, I have had the worst luck cloning, sometimes they all live, and sometimes they all die, some in rockwool, and some in the clone machine... I am hoping to get some good info here to help me figure this problem out..
I also have a hard time finding answers on the search menu on the website, so Im asking here for help.
thanks again,,,,,


Well-Known Member
I have an aerocloner, I run the pump24/7 until they have roots, then I go to 30min off and 15 min on. Use plain water(I use R/O water only) until they have rooted, then slowly up the PPM, I usually keep it under 300 for the first week or so. I don't use a humidity dome, but I'm sure other do. I do mist the clones for the first 3 days though. I use one daylight CFL 100w, starting about 3 foot above the clones until there is roots, then gradually lower and add more lighting.

Dirty Jerz

Well-Known Member
1. If you mean air-pump then yes it should be on 24/7, your plants will die in a few hours if its off

2. for nutes use Flora Grow & Bloom

3. Yes clones LOVE the humidity dome on

4. I suggest you research this, theres allot of factors, but for the most part get some florescent 'cool white' lights, 4 2ft lights should do you


Well-Known Member
run the water pump 24/7...check out the pics in my photo albums of my aero cloner....thats how they look from beggining to 3 weeks later:)


Active Member
I use distilled water and put in a few drops of some anti-fungal stuff to keep the water from getting bad.
I have tried it with the dome on and off,, I have another machine, its smaller, a 45 unit cclone machine and its allways good, about 90% or better.
I dont understand why one works out and the other doesn't,, they both work the same, and have the same sprayers even.