clone problem i need alittle help


Active Member
so i have recently got my hands on some clones blue moonshine to be exact . well i have always started from seed never clone before. so i just put them in some soil rockwool and all and put them under my t5 florescent i have my other room with my two big females on 12 12

i have a few questions will my clones do well in the soil and should i keep them wet or humid and will they grow normal in the soil how much yeild would i get if i just put them in 12 12


Well-Known Member
clones will do perfect in soil basicly your just skipping the whole sexing thing when transplanting them into soil make sure you keep teh soil most not soak untill the clones can establish them self

the question how much will they yeild well thats kinda up to you the more you veg the bigger they will get and then when you switch to 12/12 thats up to you


Active Member
thanks alot for you input i appreciate it all so as long as my soil is moist im cool i dont need to put like a humidity dome on or anything like that misting??


Clones will do great in soil, as long as its not Miracle Grow.. Even if you go 12 12 from beginning it really depends on what type of lights you use to account for how big of a yield you will have
My current grow is actually a Blue Dream clone in soil.. Check it out and tell me what you think..
the link is below---vvv


And also a good humidity trick is to leave a cup of water in your grow room next to your plant.
I wouldnt suggest a humidity dome either


Active Member
wowza man that shit looks great really healthy i have two adult females under a 400w mh but my new babys are under a 432w t5 florescent you think i should put them under the mh till it turns off and put them back under the t5s for 6 more hours would that benefit them to be under a mh for 12 hours