Clone problems, help please :)


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for a few years. I have not had issues with cloning like I am now.

My humidity is very low, I just bought a humidifier and put it in my clone room and it's staying around 50% RH

I am using a clone tray and a dome and mist the cuttings a couple times 1 day and then not the next, as I am not here to do so( I live far from my grow ) The bottom of the tray has a small amount of water in it and that's it

I dip my cuttings in clonex and then they go in rapid rooters then into a tray that holds 6 cuttings and then under the dome wit the rest of the cuttings.

I also use an aero cloner that's made out of a 5 gal bucket. I have an air stone in it and just recently added an aquarium heater because they were just looking kind of pathetic and it's getting colder now so I figured why not. It keeps the water at 79° and it's around 80° in the room. (Even before the heater, clones were looking rough)

The room has air circulation

I don't use any nutrients, I foliar spray a couple times one day, not the next and then again I mist the day after with just decholrinated water.

THE QUESTION I HAVE: why are these guys looking like booty? Anyone (that isn't new to growing please) have any idea what's up?

Nothing new has changed and I've been cloning w these 2 methods for years with no issue.

*HELP* me diagnose the issue please!!
Anything else I forgot to add just ask! :)



Well-Known Member
Find a Healthy Mom plant free of nute burn

and suspected bugs

attracted to the yellowing

is a grand start

77F is best(imo) for bubble cloning

I have many answers to offer you

but really you have few too posts

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Mom is healthy and those are 5 different strains in the cloners.

Here is a pic of one of the moms. All looked this way when I took the clones

My soil mix hasn't changed in years so it's weird that they would just start showing cal MG def all a sudden. Generally I don't see call mag til at least week 5 in flower ahhh



Well-Known Member
What about your water? Any changes there that you know of? I qualified the second question with "that you know of" because it's entirely possible (unless you have a well) that something about your water changed without your knowledge.


Well-Known Member
How's your setup? Clean knife? Testing the pH? Old contaminated cloning gel? Is this an ongoing problem or just in this run? Meters calibrated?
I also use an aero cloner that's made out of a 5 gal bucket. I have an air stone in it and just recently added an aquarium heater because they were just looking kind of pathetic and it's getting colder now so I figured why not. It keeps the water at 79° and it's around 80° in the room. (Even before the heater, clones were looking rough)
I'm not a pro on this issue, but if the aquarium heater is the only change from a successful system, possibly some ailment due to the higher water temp.


Well-Known Member
It was successful but turned to poop so I added heater after this.

I use new clean blades as always

Just got a brand new bottle of clonex so that isn't it

I am from detroit, water is really good actually. I have been using it for around 6 years now without this happening sp if something had changed in the water, it had to have been drastic but still worth a look.

2 batches of clones now have behaved badly and I grow in soil so I don't really use meters besides a light meter and occasional moisture meter.

Ph is generally running around 7 out the tap and then is decholrinated

Hmmm...*taps head*


Well-Known Member
Looks like they had a hard time rooting and cannibalized themselves. Might have been a little too wet imo. How long were they in the cloner before they started to look like that, or did they go in looking like that? Gotta have the right ph'd water, not too wet, not too dry. It's a bitch sometimes, going through the same thing myself.


Well-Known Member
See I've been thinking too wet so I've done a few things differently.

I've tried a wet rapid rooter a moist one and a dry one and planted right in a solo cup.

The ones on the wetter side surprising did better.

I do moist when I put them under the dome. The start showing yellowing within only a few days. Same as when I put them in the hydro cloner

I could try foliar feeding with low strength nutes perhaps next.

Odd thing is I had a jedi I put moist into a 5 gallon that rooted no problem and didn't have much yellowing.
Did the same thing a few weeks later and practically died. I cut all the dead or dieing stuff back and now it has only one branch and even though it's green and alive, it refuses to grow.

It's been almost a month without growth. It was a bit of a yellow clone, just like the pics I posted so something had changed and I don't see where...

What other ideas you guys have? :/


Well-Known Member
absolutely no need for a dome when using an aerocloner. and the only time I ever had problems was when I thought I needed an aquarium heater


Well-Known Member
Aero cloner too hot. Water should be around 65 degrees. Don't use any cloning gel in the cloner. Add frozen water bottles. When the water gets warm. The cuts will rot or take twice as long to root.

Im in the desert with low humidity too. I run an aero cloner. They like colder water more. Spraying twice a day creates enough humidity for the leaves.

Trays on the other hand use a seed mat heater. Don't use the humidifier. Just foliar spray twice a day. Inside the done the humidity 80% plus.

Try using either fresh aloe or lie powder as a cloning gel


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for a few years. I have not had issues with cloning like I am now.

My humidity is very low, I just bought a humidifier and put it in my clone room and it's staying around 50% RH

I am using a clone tray and a dome and mist the cuttings a couple times 1 day and then not the next, as I am not here to do so( I live far from my grow ) The bottom of the tray has a small amount of water in it and that's it

I dip my cuttings in clonex and then they go in rapid rooters then into a tray that holds 6 cuttings and then under the dome wit the rest of the cuttings.

I also use an aero cloner that's made out of a 5 gal bucket. I have an air stone in it and just recently added an aquarium heater because they were just looking kind of pathetic and it's getting colder now so I figured why not. It keeps the water at 79° and it's around 80° in the room. (Even before the heater, clones were looking rough)

The room has air circulation

I don't use any nutrients, I foliar spray a couple times one day, not the next and then again I mist the day after with just decholrinated water.

THE QUESTION I HAVE: why are these guys looking like booty? Anyone (that isn't new to growing please) have any idea what's up?

Nothing new has changed and I've been cloning w these 2 methods for years with no issue.

*HELP* me diagnose the issue please!!
Anything else I forgot to add just ask! :)

I used almost the same setup(with 100% success) , some things I would change I never spray directly on the clones just the dome. Cut 30% of the fan leaves off. ( help roots grow) and then put in a clone tray with some water on the bottom. Then just watch humidity levels and viola


Well-Known Member
I only added the heater because the clones were not doing well. I have roots popping on all of them actually after about 10 days, they just keep yellowing hard.

I'd love to spray twice a day but I'm here every other day unfortunately. I will try just spraying the dome. I've never sprayed before but figured I'd give it a shot cuz of the yellowing. I have also never had to use a heat mat for the dome :(

@Madagascar I trim off a lot of the leaves, see pics of cloner and dome and they are also in a cloning tray w around 1/2 or so of water in the bottom.

Would cannabalization be a factor here does anyone think? I tried a little foliar feed w low nutes today to see if that may help

@hyroot I tried aloe a few months back with not much success, if you use it, you mind telling me your method? I did a dip and place after sitting in the filet for like 5-10 mins

***Thanks for helping guys!!!!!