Clone Question


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to make a clone of a plant I currently have, do I HAVE to use the clone-chemical/fertilizer stuff? or can I just put a fan leaf in some moist, nice fox farm ocean forrest?

thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
don't need the root inducer but need more than a fan leaf. take a stem and bury at least 1 node.
have any willow trees around. take several branches about the size of a pencil and fill a jar w/ them. add water and let sit for a few days. soak the cuttings in the water for a few hours then plant & use the willow water for 1st waterings.
search for clones for more info


Well-Known Member
Ive found this guys pic somewhere, and kept it through like 4 computer reformats lol.

nice to know who he is finally.

BTW thanks for the info regarding the willow branches- I might try that. Any idea whats in the branches that assist in growing the clone?


Active Member
I assume it would be the same difference as using the rooting powder/gel. It's some crazy acid which co incedently is a plant hormone.

Is there a reason you are not using it for clones? I managed to get powder for £1. It's pretty cheap stuff.


Well-Known Member
if thats the case Ill buy it- for some reason I was under the impression it was expensive stuff.

thanks guys!