clone question


You'll save about 15 days by using clones instead of seed, but the largest benefit is that with clones, you know EXACTLY what you will have.

Clones keep the stage of growth that the Host Plants have. If your Host Plant is already sexually mature, then the clone will also be immediately sexually mature.

Taking a cutting from a known female Host Plant results in having a clone that is also a known female of the exact same genetics as the Host Plant.

I have some Host Plants that are now more than 13 years older than the original Host Plants they were taken from. The strain is so good that I'll keep it as long as I can possibly keep it growing.

I have friends who I've given cuts to, so if I ever lose mine, I can recover the same exact strain again by getting cuts from them.

Clones are the way to go once you find the strain you really, really love.
was wondering cn you give me an good stains to do from clone ? im all about the yeild wold lie atleast 1 1/2 ounce each plant under either 400w or 600w hps prbabaly around 4 or 5 plants . think tht possible