clone question


Ok so you can clone a clone and yes I know it changes aometimes for the good some times for the bad now what is the point in having mothers to clone from is it to preserve the strain or maturation thing or is it just what people do because my grow plan calls for cloning 2 different grows that started from seeds so I clone the Afghan afgan white widow. Then my next grow will be afgan blueberry white widow then I'll clone thoses sothe harvests alternate. But I don't have room for a mom of each one and then the cycle I figure I'll clone clones and throw a new strain by getting a new seed here and their


Ok so you can clone a clone and yes I know it changes aometimes for the good some times for the bad now what is the point in having mothers to clone from is it to preserve the strain or maturation thing or is it just what people do because my grow plan calls for cloning 2 different grows that started from seeds so I clone the Afghan afgan white widow. Then my next grow will be afgan blueberry white widow then I'll clone thoses sothe harvests alternate. But I don't have room for a mom of each one and then the cycle I figure I'll clone clones and throw a new strain by getting a new seed here and their
Will this work?


Well-Known Member
Will this work?
Maybe I don't understand.. but you want to take a clone from a grow and intend on vegging it while a different strain is going?

That clone just became a mom, which you said you didn't have room for. Unless you are used to flowering plants that are 4-5 months old, that is.


Yeah I'm high lol no what I was saying was a mother plant like one that u repeatedly clone from is that needed or can u just clone a clone a clone a clone ect I just started typing random system that I have to get a harvest a month even though from clone to end of flower will take 3 months total but yeah it didn't have to do with the question it just depends on the question


Pretty much I'm ganna start a set of clones every month have 2 sets veg every month and send a set of mature plants to flower every month and send a set to dry once a month and bag up once a month and that depends on if u can clone a clone a clone ect


Well-Known Member
Pretty much I'm ganna start a set of clones every month have 2 sets veg every month and send a set of mature plants to flower every month and send a set to dry once a month and bag up once a month and that depends on if u can clone a clone a clone ect
Ah, ok.

Yes, this is totally doable. In fact, it's exactly what I do right now. Well, almost. I originally aimed for 2 plants per month, but ended up with 2-3 every 2 weeks. lol

Oh well. There are worse problems to have.


Ah, ok.

Yes, this is totally doable. In fact, it's exactly what I do right now. Well, almost. I originally aimed for 2 plants per month, but ended up with 2-3 every 2 weeks. lol

Oh well. There are worse problems to have.
Yeah I'm doing 2 cuz I want about an oz every other week so 2 a month


I didn't mean for that to come off mean just they way it was typed I guess
Because u was also thinking maturation can't be it bebecause even tho a clone may look young it's as old as the first plant it came fromeven if it died it still has the age as it wasnalife or am I mistaken


Well-Known Member
Maturation &...cuz maybe people take 50+ cuttings per strain/plant?

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Well-Known Member
I harvest 100 plants a year and pay virtually nothing for beans. That's why cloning is such a big deal.

Picking out a clone mom doesn't mean you have to either flower her or use her as a mom. The easy way is to do both - veg a female until she is 5 weeks vegging. At that point she is old enough to throw off viable clones. If the donor mom is less than 5 weeks in dirt the chances of clones rooting goes way down. So, veg her for 5 weeks, take your cuttings, give mom another week in veg to recover, then flower her as normal. Besides getting free clones you will find that donor moms yield more too. That's because every place you take a cutting will grow 2 branches to replace the one you took. Donor moms have more growing points that turn into budsites.

An other suggestion. Besides free beans the greatest benefit to growing clones is that you should get pretty much the same size and shape plant every time. That is important for a bunch of reasons. Setting up a successful SOG grow, for instance, is much easier if you use clones. There is a better chance the plants will stay the same height.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Ok.....Is that what the question was then ? :)
Yes it was kinda it was the mother clone thing now I understand that for bigger operations that grow 50 clones at once so u need a nice bushy mom that u grow that way to get as many clones as possible but in small operations like mine it's better to just clone the generation before that one then clone the clone for the rest of Ur cycle for how ever long it goes


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I just take clones of the plants right before I go to flower, or up to two weeks in flower take lower branches that aren't going to get enough light and produce whispy buds anyway


Well-Known Member
I have a mini-perpetual grow you can check out here. :-)

I have a very small space to grow in and I run a cycle of cloning from a previous clone never keeping a mother longer than a few months (4 at most).

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Ok then what is the deal with mother plants why keep um around for 5 years ect
Because it's more efficient to have a mother/cloning area....u can bush them out take more clones and make sure they root properly before you switch them to a vegging tent!...... Most people don't keep the same mother forever they also get replaced with clones of themselves for various reasons. .


Yeah well the plant I dropped a light on finally wilted up today so I chopped it up and did a clone one from the head and the 4 more from the side leaves hope it works