Clone questions


So here it is my bc roadkill on day twenty something. I am just curious is this super small for how long it has been growing and how healthy does it look?. Do the yellowing of the leaves look normal or a possible deficiency or fungus? When do you think I could possible take clones to determine if this is female? Thanks so much to everyone out there and certainly + reps for good insight



You really think thats the only thing? My lights arent really far away the light in this is when it was taking out for 30 seconds into a regularly lit room to take the pictures.


Active Member
The yellowing leaves are probly N deficency. Plants need water to absorb the nutes. Make sure the soil is always damp about an inch below the soil. For dirt I would say water 1 to 2 times a day depending on heat and light conditions. GL and keep on growing. Hope it helps. OH PS. You can cut clones at 30 days veg when it is mature enough. Then bud them to determine sex.


New Member
You really think thats the only thing? My lights arent really far away the light in this is when it was taking out for 30 seconds into a regularly lit room to take the pictures.
look like it needs nitrogen
hows ur ph


The ph of the water is 6.8 which I believe is neutral, I have been using schultz plant food 10-15-10 for about a week and it is at half strenght right know. The soild is schultz moisture control which has a ph of 6.4. Lighting is 2 45 watt compact florescent for today but I will be changing that to atleast three tomorrow and prob another in a bit. The each put out 3000 lumens. The temps hover a bit over 80 most of the time but at times during the seedling stage it was over 100 for a bit. I have had to get rid of one because of fungus and one just died so here I am left with one praying that it will be a mother. Anyways do you think I should just up the nutrints and i did not realize that with soil it needed to be watered so much and I will certainly do that right away.Thanks

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Gunday, your girl will be ok. I'm thinking the yellow leaves are from the 100 degree temps it went through, just a little stress syndrome. Yes, more water. And I would run those cfl's 24/7 within 1/2 inch of plant.
Good luck & good grow.........BB


well the 100 plus degrees was a while ago when it was still quite young and all it did was kinda grow upwards for a bit but once I completed my grow room and dopped temps it got alot better but then this suddenly happend. I am also running it just about two inches away and 24 hours a day thanks


New Member
The ph of the water is 6.8 which I believe is neutral, I have been using schultz plant food 10-15-10 for about a week and it is at half strenght right know. The soild is schultz moisture control which has a ph of 6.4. Lighting is 2 45 watt compact florescent for today but I will be changing that to atleast three tomorrow and prob another in a bit. The each put out 3000 lumens. The temps hover a bit over 80 most of the time but at times during the seedling stage it was over 100 for a bit. I have had to get rid of one because of fungus and one just died so here I am left with one praying that it will be a mother. Anyways do you think I should just up the nutrints and i did not realize that with soil it needed to be watered so much and I will certainly do that right away.Thanks
6.8 was th ph of ur runoff???
ur veg nutes should have more N than P


Not exactly sure what you mean by runoff but 6.8 is my regular tap water any suggestions on good nutrints that I could find at walmart or canadian tire that would help no specialty hydro or grow stores here cause its a bit to remote


What exactly do you mean by runoff? 6.8 is my tapwater. Is there any nutrients that would help this defiency that I could get at a regular store such as walmart or canadian tire?


New Member
What exactly do you mean by runoff? 6.8 is my tapwater. Is there any nutrients that would help this defiency that I could get at a regular store such as walmart or canadian tire?
runoff is what i said above
u might want to switch to a fert higher in N
the fert u have now would be good for flowering


Aight so that second post was a redo of the first one cause I thought it hadnt got sent because my internet fucked up to I was not asking again and apologize for that and for my soil ph I did a test to determine it.


New Member
Aight so that second post was a redo of the first one cause I thought it hadnt got sent because my internet fucked up to I was not asking again and apologize for that and for my soil ph I did a test to determine it.
well all i can say is get more sufficient nutes and try to get ur soil ph at 6.8-7


New Member
Tomato feed will do if you cant get anything else, look for seaweed extract, it will also tell you the NPK on the back at the bottom.