Clone Survival


Active Member
So I just took my first cutting from my ladies, just wondering if there is any tips and tricks to increasing the survival or root development of the clones. I've used rooting harmone, soil for a medium, indirect fluorescent lighting, and constant misting/waterings.
Is their anything more i can do to increase survival rates?:?
How can i tell if they're developing roots?
When can I put them under higher lumens to increase vegitative growth?
Is their any effect on the clone development if the mothers where flowering for a week or so?

No dead clones yet after 3 days. (9/12)
Thanks for any help. :joint:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Mr. Brown

Use rockwool cubes as your medium..
Use sharp clean razor blades to make your cuts
Use wilt spray.. this stuff is amazing


Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Not to say it cant be done but I never have luck cloning in soil. I always use rockwool first. Sounds like you have everything down though.


Active Member
Thanks for the help. I'm constantly learning which is nice.
I did use a sterilized razor making cuttings at a 45 degree. Ill pick up wilt spray today bc you think its that good. Although Im not too familiar with rockwool cubes, ill do some research into it next time I keep hearing thats the way to go.
When can I put the clones under higher lumens without torching them/ when do i know that roots have taken hold?
Anyways, i got three healthy ladies flowering for about a week, pictures soon... thanks again
Boxy Brown~ " That wasn't my grandma, it was a grocerie bag!"

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr. Brown...

You can put the Fluorescent lights 1-3 inches from your plants.. it really does not matter until you see roots.. once you have roots, the Fluorescents should be no further than 1 inch from your foliage.. CLOSER is better when it comes to Fluorescents..



New Member
Mr. Brown, my first clone is now dead. I did everything the same way as you. It lasted 6 days before dying. I didn't get the wilt spray though so this may help.

Next time I'm going to use the cubes, like you though I just had to see for myself.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
mr. skunk...

Your "i just had to see for myself" philosophy is very admirable..

I am the same way.. unfortunatley I had my KAK chopped off in an unfortunate accident while using this "try for myself" philosophy on another gentlemans wife...





New Member
Fair play to ya mucka. Maybe you could give me a few tips. How many did you bring through? I've got someone coming today to help with the cloning, he calls himself the clone king. So I'll probably never try soil again. No, I almost certainly will, so any tips would be fine.

Unfortunately (fortunately?) for me I don't live at the grow site, and this is where I left the clone in the capable hands of my comrade. He's not too clever with love. Very heavy handed. I'm not laying any blame here, but maybe it would have been better if I'd brought her home with me.

Anyway, fair play mate. Keep up the good...


Well-Known Member
I have used everything and the best results are from Rapid Rooter's.That's just me though.Rockwool leaves air chambers and gaps, dirt is dirt but RR's are a comfortable little root chamber.