Clone your plants from topping do you?


Well-Known Member
Hello i'm sure i read somewhere that when you top your plants you can use that and clone with?

Is that right, i have done this and they look ok to me so far, does anyone else do this any pro or cons....'' i may need to know about it.

Seems like a great way you get to top your plant and clone at the same time! :bigjoint:

This was off my strongest Supergirl plant she is strong like bull!



Active Member
They look good to me. If you have the space for clones then yes topping your plant(s) for a clone or clones is good to do since alot of people top and throw out the parts they top even though they could have toped and used that as a clone.


Well-Known Member
They look good to me. If you have the space for clones then yes topping your plant(s) for a clone or clones is good to do since alot of people top and throw out the parts they top even though they could have toped and used that as a clone.
Yes that's right, well this is the first time i have tried this,

If they continue to do ok. Looking at the way they picked up after just a few hours, only done them today, i can't now see any reason why not i will in future use this method. Of the four clones the top of the plant two more heads will now appear from each one. i'm very happy these clones should be strong. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
only con i could see coming out of it is that they might take a while to root cuz they are from the highest point of the plant, and have the newest leaste set in hormones apropriate for rooting, they still will it will just take longer.

a pro is that they will grow symetrical clones, alot of the time clones will have unsimetrical branch growth, its more like a zig zag than groups of 2 right across from eachother.


Well-Known Member
only con i could see coming out of it is that they might take a while to root cuz they are from the highest point of the plant, and have the newest leaste set in hormones apropriate for rooting, they still will it will just take longer.

a pro is that they will grow symetrical clones, alot of the time clones will have unsimetrical branch growth, its more like a zig zag than groups of 2 right across from eachother.
Im so happy i found this thread i was thinking about doing this just last night!! I decided to wait and ask but when i got on....Bam here was the tread!! Sweet deal im gonna try it tonight


Well-Known Member
I've grown many strains mainly from seed which i have also cloned, however of all the plants i found supergirl to be the most rewarding, strong and just a pleasure to grow. These clones are now off just the one strongest plant that is growing of 4 so i've now got my favourite plant taken from an excellent strong fast growing mother.


Well-Known Member
im a cloning FAILURE! lost 15-15 1st time with rockwool @ rootech , and 1 week in 2nd batch in peat pellets and looking the same. only conclusion im coming to is its freaking winter here, my house is @ 70 degrees and its just too cold to start them. i cannot do them in my veg or flower box either, i need a seedmat right? also im using good humitity domes too w/ 1 6500 26w cfl 2 ft away from them


Well-Known Member
im a cloning FAILURE! lost 15-15 1st time with rockwool @ rootech , and 1 week in 2nd batch in peat pellets and looking the same. only conclusion im coming to is its freaking winter here, my house is @ 70 degrees and its just too cold to start them. i cannot do them in my veg or flower box either, i need a seedmat right? also im using good humitity domes too w/ 1 6500 26w cfl 2 ft away from them
Did they actually die or just not root? I thought i was a failure too but it seems i wasnt waiting long enough. It is also cold in my house right now and it took 2 weeks plus before i saw roots. I left em alone after that and it looks like im getting about a 60% success. Better than none! But yeah i hear a heating pad really really helps develop those roots witha quickness


Well-Known Member
im a cloning FAILURE! lost 15-15 1st time with rockwool @ rootech , and 1 week in 2nd batch in peat pellets and looking the same. only conclusion im coming to is its freaking winter here, my house is @ 70 degrees and its just too cold to start them. i cannot do them in my veg or flower box either, i need a seedmat right? also im using good humitity domes too w/ 1 6500 26w cfl 2 ft away from them
get used to it man, people take 100 the first time and get 0% success, it happens, the same people can take another 100 the second time and maybe get a 5% success rate. and rockwool is hard to work with for beginners. try rapid rooters, they are great. the seed mat would work wonders. especialy if your house is kinda cold.

i have been using peat pellets for cloning since i was a compleat failure at rockwool too. the best thing to do when it comes to peat pellets is to prep them (water them to full saturation) the night or day befor and keep them in the humidity dome without spraying it for that day. this will make sure the peat has totaly absorbed as much water as it can. you never want to water the medium your clones are in, especialy peat. peat holds more water than rockwool for alot longer, the pellets have to start drying out befor roots will develope. the only exeption to that is rapid rooters, they are spongy and airated enough to have them sitting in a little water to make sure they dont dry out.


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of the 2 white widow clones i have that have fully rooted in peat, they didnt root the first time along with 2 others, i recut, re dipped, and replanted in the same peat pellets, now they both rooted, one has been rooted for about a week (the bigger one) and one took a while longer and just rooted yesterday (the smaller one)

note. both clones were the same size when taken, nearly 1 week difference in growth time...



Well-Known Member
Hows is "SuperGirl"?In terms of high,smell,taste,flowering time etc....
Of all the strains i grown i found supergirl easy,. It's a good smoke if flushed correctly strong and a good yeilder. It finishes quickly as well.

I'm running with this for now, i am however going to be starting elephant bud from BC seeds which claims to a big yeiler and high THC at the price that was paid i hope it's true!

Bring it on! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the medium has to dry out somewhat or the cutting just drinks and doesnt send our roots... just remember that, i stopped getting so eager about my clones and they started working out nicely. patience is the key. like i said, there was a 1 week difference in rooting time for those 2... i was tempted to pull the one that didnt right away out but left it and now its alllll gooood


Well-Known Member
the medium has to dry out somewhat or the cutting just drinks and doesnt send our roots... just remember that, i stopped getting so eager about my clones and they started working out nicely. pacients is the key. like i said, there was a 1 week difference in rooting time for those 2... i was tempted to pull the one that didnt right away out but left it and now its alllll gooood
Hey glassfreak that is some great intel on on how a ctting works. I was keeping my medium super saturated with the assumption the cutting needed to drink alot!! It makes sense that if there wasnt plenty for it to drink it would send out roots to find the moisture. +reps for that little eye opener:bigjoint: