Cloneing help and advice please


Well-Known Member
Hey there. I have been growing weed for a few goes now and always start with a seed. I tried to clone once but failed bad.

I now have tried again. Done things different. Like useing rockwool and takei g more care of them and watering them all the time

The thing is they have heen in a humidity dome for a week now. And i have pulled a few out of the rockwool cubes to look at the progress and they are looking like they have swelled up a bit and gone white at the bottoms.
Some are even looking like they are forming roots which look like a good sign

Now what i need to know is this looking good and where do i go from here?

How long do i leave in there dome for and also do i leave them till roots start forcing there way out of the rockwool or do i need to pull them out and pot into a medium to grow in????

There under 24 hour light under florecents

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
look at videos dude go to you tube.... and just do it!!! i just took some cuttings last week ,..dipped em in gel,.. planted them in coco... left them alone and it looks like they are doing pretty good after the first two days... under t5 24/0


Well-Known Member
look at videos dude go to you tube.... and just do it!!! i just took some cuttings last week ,..dipped em in gel,.. planted them in coco... left them alone and it looks like they are doing pretty good after the first two days... under t5 24/0
Yea they look like there doing ok but do i just leave them in there rockwool cube till the roots find there way out the bottom? And how long do i leave them in there humidity dome for?????

Dont want to mess them up at this point. Want to make sure im
Doing it correct

Also i have looked at vids on youtube but npt found any that have been usefull.


Well-Known Member
One tip..... shouldn't disturb them, once they've been placed in the rockwool, or whatever medium you are using. You can mist them, but you should try to leave them alone, after that. Also, temps are important too. Try to keep them around 80*, using a heating pad, if you have to.


Well-Known Member
One tip..... shouldn't disturb them, once they've been placed in the rockwool, or whatever medium you are using. You can mist them, but you should try to leave them alone, after that. Also, temps are important too. Try to keep them around 80*, using a heating pad, if you have to.
I do have a heat pad but the only thing is im a bit concernd that if i use it it willmdry
The rockwool out and then the clones will die. I did that last time and knackerd them.

Do i keep the rockwool always moist and water it every day? Yes i will not touch them as of now. Just wanted to see if they were forming roots and some of them are so im doing something right lol

How long before i take them out of there humidity dome ready for planting into my medium?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Here is what I do if it helps.

I mix some Piranha and a little Vitamin B into a liter of water and soak my plugs. This is just to help prevent root rot, any beneficial bacteria will do. I put a heating pad on a few days at a time. I leave some water in the bottom of the tray, not a lot, not even enough to cover the bottom. I use my humidity dome and open it about 20% and place the whole rig under my t-5s, about 12 inches away. I mist it very heavily and then mist the inside of the cover and cover it up.

About every 2 days I open it to give everything a mist, then mist the dome.

After about 7 days I take off the dome and let them toughen a little, just a few hours. Then its a light mist and no mist on dome. I want them to start to stretch for nutrients. Light is still far away. They dont need a lot of light yet.

Same until I see roots sticking out the plug, then it's into pure soil.

It can take 14 days or more for roots, just leave them alone. Misting them will help keep them green since they dont have roots to feed with. Don't feed them, not at first anyway. This will either burn them or make them not try to form roots. wat is fine, I just add in stuff to be uber safe.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I do if it helps.

I mix some Piranha and a little Vitamin B into a liter of water and soak my plugs. This is just to help prevent root rot, any beneficial bacteria will do. I put a heating pad on a few days at a time. I leave some water in the bottom of the tray, not a lot, not even enough to cover the bottom. I use my humidity dome and open it about 20% and place the whole rig under my t-5s, about 12 inches away. I mist it very heavily and then mist the inside of the cover and cover it up.

About every 2 days I open it to give everything a mist, then mist the dome.

After about 7 days I take off the dome and let them toughen a little, just a few hours. Then its a light mist and no mist on dome. I want them to start to stretch for nutrients. Light is still far away. They dont need a lot of light yet.

Same until I see roots sticking out the plug, then it's into pure soil.

It can take 14 days or more for roots, just leave them alone. Misting them will help keep them green since they dont have roots to feed with. Don't feed them, not at first anyway. This will either burn them or make them not try to form roots. wat is fine, I just add in stuff to be uber safe.
Thanks for that was useful to me i have now put a heat mat under the tray but only to come on for a few hours a day it has been just short of a week so i will just do as you have said and i shud be good to go soon thanks man


Well-Known Member
Right roots have come throug my rockwool cubes. When do i plant into soil??? Also do i leave in the cube when i plant into soil or not? I have a feeling i should as it might damage the roots.


Well-Known Member
Your making this way more complicated than it has to be listen to what I have to do to get clones. First cut branch and I like to make a slit up the middle and scrape some of the "skin " from the bottom then I dip it in gel and put it into my cloner and that's it. Get a cloner its the easiest just cut and put it in the insert, no humidity dome or temp worries.


Well-Known Member
Your making this way more complicated than it has to be listen to what I have to do to get clones. First cut branch and I like to make a slit up the middle and scrape some of the "skin " from the bottom then I dip it in gel and put it into my cloner and that's it. Get a cloner its the easiest just cut and put it in the insert, no humidity dome or temp worries.
Yea i will get a cloner but not just yet. Maybe on my next go round. But for these i am just going to use rockwool cubes. They seem to be doin ok just wanted to make sure i was doing the right thing