Clones Almost Two Weeks In... still no roots, they look fine


Well-Known Member
They look healthy and all... they are two weeks in tomorrow, and still not a single root showing. Last time they rooted in 11 days, but my mom wasn't as healthy this time.

Is there a chance they just won't root at all? I would think after two weeks of being in the Humidity dome, they would start to show signs of decay if they wern't at least trying to root?

This is only my second time with cloning, last time I hit about 90% survival... I'm just praying I don't lose the whole bunch for some crazy reason this would absolutely screw me.

I figured they would root by now, if they don't in a few more days...should I begin to worry and look elsewhere for cuts? Any advice is appreciated.

Like I said they look totally healthy, a bit of yellowing which I understand is good because it means they are establishing root structures. Not real decay taking place so I figure they still will root...just maybe take a bit longer than usual?



Active Member
Whats up MC,
I normally try and forget about clones once cut and dipped in rooting hormone. A great deal i have found is the rooting hormone i found a wally world. Walmart yes another item found cheaper! ! ! LOL.. Regardless i Normally pay attention to the "stem" and where it enters the "rooting" medium, mine being rockwool MINOR shrinkage will be noticed first(not major shrinkager: Major I have found to be signs of death.) Days following you should see like a "whiteish balloning" effect. Within a week from then normally they pop the bottom. I have noticed that different strains will take longer than others. A friend has supplied me with an imbreed hillbilly power plant of some kind i turned 1 into 4 within 45 days! it roots very fast. Others i have seen takes up to 3 weeks to show new life "on top"... Hope this helps and makes sense. Good luck :weed: