Clones came in soil?


Active Member
I didnt think it would be a problem but wanted to hear some opinions. My clones came in soil in a woven flimsy pot in red cups, I put those flimsy pots into clay pebbles. Besides possibly clogging my pump is there a problem with this? I know the soil is going to take longer to dry which kinda ruins the purpose of my hydro setup but I plan to take cuttings from these and those will go into rockwool.


Active Member
i took a rooted plant from seed and transplanted it into rockwool before all i did was wash off as much dirt as possiable without hurting the roots and it worked out good until i flowered it (MALE !!)


Well-Known Member
Umm, you should really take it out of the soil and the woven pot; gently wash off the roots of ALL soil then place in your post with the pebbles; soil and hydro do not mix!

Just my $0.02


New Member
Rinse of what will easily come off and use a mesh bag to catch ant ything running out of through and as a trap to filer what enters the pump. If it is a submersible pump you can also just put the whole pump in a mesh bag. A 50 micron bag should work fine, smaller only if your using misters etc. The dissolved organic compounds will remain in the water but as they are just nutrients and humus no loss, just another gain (some organic nutrients). The bags should also be available at any large tropical fish store.


Active Member
I ended up wrapping the pump with mesh screen as well as the drainage holes. Im scared to rinse everything off since the roots have more than poked through the woven pot. Besides the soil clogging/fuking up my pump is there any other reason why hydro/soil dont mix?


Well-Known Member
Organics can work in hydroponics, but require special requirements depending on the setup and environment, but soil is never usually a part of this. There are plenty of threads already covering this subject.


Active Member
Organics can work in hydroponics, but require special requirements depending on the setup and environment, but soil is never usually a part of this. There are plenty of threads already covering this subject.
Ill save myself the trouble and take youre unanimous no to soil and hydro stand as the answer I needed. +Rep for all:bigjoint:


New Member
Soil is partially decomposed organic matter and likely some fine mineral rock powder depending on the soil source. Other than clogging issues, the storage of nutrients by soil and some increased bacteria and such (that are usually beneficial), a small amount of soil is really no more than just a nuisiance. with a hydro system. There are many people who use a combination of organic and chemical nutrients and there is really no difference except in that with the orgabnic fertlizer there is more decomposition (so finer partcles) that with soil and that soil can contain variable amounts of rock powders. Just filter and do not worry about it. At worse your soil ares become more stauarated with water and therefore provide less oxygen. The soil mass will quickly break up and mix with a typical hydro system.

Black Thumb

Well-Known Member
Remove from the container,set in bucket of water and gently massage the soil loose.

Keep the soil mass and roots on the bottom of the bucket,while you massage, so loose soil cannot break free and pull roots off.


Well-Known Member
my clones came in soil and they turned out fine in a bubbleponics'll be good man... as long as hydro system is good too that is..


Well-Known Member
they say it is good to cut 20% of the roots tip/length to promote faster growth. I have never done it though and its worked fine for me

I have transferred month old plants that were at least a foot or more tall and they all did fine


New Member
Cutting roots can slow down growth proportional to the amount of roots you cut off up until they grow back when normal growth rates will return. However it can also cause just the oppositte with auto-flowering strains as it can cause them to immediattely go into flowering. That is why with some write ups and in some seed catalog description it will say with a particular strain or a seed's clones that they grow best when started into budding cycle immediately upon root establishment on clones.