Clones didn't root, they grew stumps...

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Where did I go wrong?

*Soaked rockwool cubes in water mixed with Superthrive, used clonex.

*Kept moist in a dome for 2 weeks and 3 days under 24 watt - T5's.

The clones still look ok, but they never grew roots. Can this be fixed or are they fucked?



Well-Known Member
yea thats what they look like just before they start to shoot roots what i do with some cuttings that take a long time to root is i take them out when they show like this then i put them in soil and they usually show roots within a couple days so i would say throw them in some soil unless ur gonna be growing them some other way other than soil sometimes my clones seem like they stay like this forever and barely show roots so i throw them in soil then their off and running so ur good they just need longer how long were they in there cause ive seen some take up to 2 weeks

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
The stumpy appearance is from the cloning gel. I've rubbed it on the stem before and it gets all retarded looking. FDD did an experiment with it awhile back.

As much as I hate to admit Woo is right. Put em back an you should see roots very soon.

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
They tried the best they could, but I think they never recovered from me ripping them out of their rockwool cubes. One of them actually showed signs of rooting but dried out before anything really happened.

I think if I would have just waited, I would have seen better results.