
Well-Known Member
If ur asking this dumb of a qustion u shouldnt be growin...dont be a lazy prick n read....keep lights on 18 hours or more for veg some reading

This was a bit mean, but i have to confess the lazy prick bit made me laugh, am i mean too lol ?

OP your clones do not look healthy the texture of the growth looks poor
it needs to grow lots of new lush shoots if it does not do this within 10 days or so i would find new clones
otherwise you are wasting time


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, they're in flower. leave them in veg lighting schedule and they should revert back to veg. sometimes takes a while. don't forget that these are gonna be needing pretty much full strength nutes. they look mature enough to me....


Thank you Skunk and Silky for the constructive feedback. I'm glad I can count on people to at least give me their best answer. Skunkd0c, I don't mind having my balls busted but, a guy should at least wait until I give a reasonable opportunity to do so. I felt I gave enough info and asked a concise enough question to avoid that.


Moving forward, there IS a little new growth. I've actually nursed them back from a worse appearance and there are a lot of fresh roots being generated. If you think I can stall the flowering for a while longer, I'll keep them under 24 CFL's while I LST them . Thanks again for CONSTRUCTIVE input.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Skunk and Silky for the constructive feedback. I'm glad I can count on people to at least give me their best answer. Skunkd0c, I don't mind having my balls busted but, a guy should at least wait until I give a reasonable opportunity to do so. I felt I gave enough info and asked a concise enough question to avoid that.

First off u didnt state how long u have been trying to flower them how long they vegged if they did. And if your going to be growing you can find stuff out yourself. Research,research and more



Dannoo - I appreciate the response. Let's start fresh. My wife (who has zero growing experience) was gifted two Blueberry clones form someone that supplies a dispensary. They were starting to yellow on the leaves and had small pistils indicating flowering. Over the last two weeks since I had owned them, they have become healthier under 24 hrs of CFL light but, they've also appeared to flower further which I do NOT want. I want to veg them larger for a scrog. I have taken seeds/clones all the way to harvest and have cured some good product but, I've never, repeat NEVER, was faced with the task of reversing the natural order of plant reproduction and didn't even know if you could. THAT is where I decided to turn to the good folks and more experienced growers at for, as you put it, research. This IS the best research to conduct. Should I read 5 editions of Gorge Cervantes before getting up the gumption to ask someone who claims to be open to questions by hanging out on a discussion board? I think not. Marijuana enhances my life. It doesn't engulf it. I'm pretty sure I crossed my T's when I made the post because I've seen this act before. Give people some credit. They want your help.


Well-Known Member
Don't get too attached to sick plants m8, if they do not recover quickly
find some more clones
keep them on 24 hours of light, if they do not dramatically improve in 10 days throw them away
if they need to start revenging before they grow it will take weeks
they were either given too much dark at some stage or are in heavy preflower because they are not happy in the environment they were in

new healthy clones will overtake these ones almost instantly as soon as they establish themselves in the system
1 week to 10 days and new clones would overtake these sick plants easy



Well-Known Member
Dannoo - I appreciate the response. Let's start fresh. My wife (who has zero growing experience) was gifted two Blueberry clones form someone that supplies a dispensary. They were starting to yellow on the leaves and had small pistils indicating flowering. Over the last two weeks since I had owned them, they have become healthier under 24 hrs of CFL light but, they've also appeared to flower further which I do NOT want. I want to veg them larger for a scrog. I have taken seeds/clones all the way to harvest and have cured some good product but, I've never, repeat NEVER, was faced with the task of reversing the natural order of plant reproduction and didn't even know if you could. THAT is where I decided to turn to the good folks and more experienced growers at for, as you put it, research. This IS the best research to conduct. Should I read 5 editions of Gorge Cervantes before getting up the gumption to ask someone who claims to be open to questions by hanging out on a discussion board? I think not. Marijuana enhances my life. It doesn't engulf it. I'm pretty sure I crossed my T's when I made the post because I've seen this act before. Give people some credit. They want your help.
Plants/clones that are mature naturally shoot some pistils...and yellow you should know is nitrogen def and probably micro nutes...and no u dont have to read some books Google is your best friend you could have googled what you where asking or posted this in the sick/plant problems thread. Me personally I dont post too many questions on here I google my question and read many threads on it and compare pictures and see what other people said they were doing ....I lerned most of the plant deficiencies by looking at plant def pics and reading all info I can on em ...just because u can grow to the end doesn't mean.its great u can always learn just read every thread u can
