

New Member
Ok so i have a pineapple express clone i got today, it has been rooted for at least a week or two, and ive read that i could potentially force it to flower with the 12/12 light schedule, im interested in doing it, but should i, give me perspective from both sides please.


New Member
Ok so i have a pineapple express clone i got today, it has been rooted for at least a week or two, and ive read that i could potentially force it to flower with the 12/12 light schedule, im interested in doing it, but should i, give me perspective from both sides please.
Pineapple express



New Member
I have a few other plants growing right now, so i dont care about the clones, i got a red 250 watt heat lamp today because a friend said it would help with budding?


Active Member
Heat lamp cant be good. I agree with m3d1c1n3man and wvblazin. Please check you bulb, I see this going seriously wrong if you don't.