Clones from 1/2 way budding plant!!


Active Member
Hi there,

I like to cut of the small lower branches of the plants half way through flowering because I have found that they produce small useless buds.

Yesterday I put 6 of the cuttings into a clonning tray.
They cuttings were from a skunk plant, about 1/3 - 1/2 way through flowering.

How will these lones turn out? Should i just throw them away?

skunky monkey

Active Member
Hi mate, No dont throw away your cuttings/clones, they will still root but it will just take a little longer than usual thats all, i too clone from a flowering plant and they rooted within 2weeks, nothing wrong with a flowering clone, look it up on google, cheers


Well-Known Member
I just worry about stress on the clones growing roots,and switching back to veg might confuse the little ones, thats just me but if it works right on theres more than one way to do things nice to know in a pinch if I need to I can cause i've never tried during floweringbongsmilie