Clones from flower! Care to explain my great success?


Well-Known Member
Ok so you keep saying time to get back to veg and I am saying my 11 day old, in 6-7th week flower, clones are already with new roots and showing new green on top. The buds were removed so that is not an issue to "fall off". so explain or rather define vegatative growth because you seem to be saying it takes more time. How much time does a normal veging mothers clone take to show roots and new growth? Is it as short as 11 days?? Again what do you define veg as? The buds on the moms are about 18" or more long with about 4 of those and smaller ones on each of the two moms in flower. That is why I wanted more. Was told over and over it would not work and if you read the FAQ it says it takes longer and is less successful. Is 11 days a long time to belabor the point??:spew:
You didn't do anything special, bro. People take clones from flowering plants all the time. Whoever told you it would not work has probably never tried it before. It's as easy if not easier than taking clones from a plant in a vegetative state.


Well-Known Member
Not a big deal my granny could do it.Dont break youre arm patting youreself on the back.Try this find a plant that absorbs O2 and emits CO2.Then youre doing something.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Morons. I was not patting myself unlike taint boy. I don't see what you idiots don't get. Go fucking read for a minute if you can, everything says not to that was the whole point!!! You two guys are really so funny. Wussies always are. Is it a freudian thing?? Bet so..
"My plant is green! Care to explain my great success?"


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Morons. I was not patting myself unlike taint boy. I don't see what you idiots don't get. Go fucking read for a minute if you can, everything says not to that was the whole point!!! You two guys are really so funny. Wussies always are. Is it a freudian thing?? Bet so..
i have read it and you sir are the morone not use. i belive we read tour thread just fine and answerd your ? to a T. mabe you shouldread what youare saying, asking. mabe youshouldstop :wall: and read more.


Well-Known Member
Morons. I was not patting myself unlike taint boy. I don't see what you idiots don't get. Go fucking read for a minute if you can, everything says not to that was the whole point!!! You two guys are really so funny. Wussies always are. Is it a freudian thing?? Bet so..
"My plant has leaves! Care to explain my great success?"


Well-Known Member
Morons. I was not patting myself unlike taint boy. I don't see what you idiots don't get. Go fucking read for a minute if you can, everything says not to that was the whole point!!! You two guys are really so funny. Wussies always are. Is it a freudian thing?? Bet so..
Ha ha you looser, NOOB takes NOOBish advise off another NOOB and then thinks he's a genius when it proves not to be true.

Be weary of people with low post counts parroting bullshit they've read from other NOOBS.

Did you know Miracle Grow works well if you use it correctly too!!!!!!!!! (shocker) :O


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ha ha you looser, NOOB takes NOOBish advise off another NOOB and then thinks he's a genius when it proves not to be true.

Be weary of people with low post counts parroting bullshit they've read from other NOOBS.

Did you know Miracle Grow works well if you use it correctly too!!!!!!!!! (shocker) :O
a person post # and or age does not mean they don't know anything about growing or anything else in that matter. its called knowledge and you can get that at any age. but when many are trying to explain to this person and what they keep saying just shows how intelligent this person really is.


Well-Known Member
a person post # and or age does not mean they don't know anything about growing or anything else in that matter. its called knowledge and you can get that at any age. but when many are trying to explain to this person and what they keep saying just shows how intelligent this person really is.
I didn't say anything about age...

I said post count because you can look back through a users posting history and get at least a clue as to the credibility of their info.

Knoweledge can be gained at anytime, but so can false knoweledge, so I try to use my head to tell the difference.

It would only have taken Tonyromo reading a few completed grow journals to see lots of people succesfully clone during flower.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I didn't say anything about age...

I said post count because you can look back through a users posting history and get at least a clue as to the credibility of their info.

Knoweledge can be gained at anytime, but so can false knoweledge, so I try to use my head to tell the difference.

It would only have taken Tonyromo reading a few completed grow journals to see lots of people succesfully clone during flower.
very true. i just threw the age in their.


Well-Known Member
<P>Read the FAQ on THIS site it even says not a good idea. Taint you are so gay, surprised you can grow anything. And Sorry guy with plant pic, not important enough to me to look at your name, You are a moron too. Do yourself a favor and go back to 5th grade english class. Bye children enjoy talking to yourselves..... REally lonely I am guessing being you...<IMG class=inlineimg alt=0 src="" border=0 smilieid="203">
"I'm growing a plant! Care to explain my great success?"


Well-Known Member
<P>Read the FAQ on THIS site it even says not a good idea. Taint you are so gay, surprised you can grow anything. And Sorry guy with plant pic, not important enough to me to look at your name, You are a moron too. Do yourself a favor and go back to 5th grade english class. Bye children enjoy talking to yourselves..... REally lonely I am guessing being you...<IMG class=inlineimg alt=0 src="" border=0 smilieid="203"></P>

Messing with ungrateful idiots online gets boring.

I'm out, good luck with your unexceptional clones, you shouldn't get you panties in such a twist when people point out how unamazed they are by the fact you've acheived something quite Normal...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
<P>Read the FAQ on THIS site it even says not a good idea. Taint you are so gay, surprised you can grow anything. And Sorry guy with plant pic, not important enough to me to look at your name, You are a moron too. Do yourself a favor and go back to 5th grade english class. Bye children enjoy talking to yourselves..... REally lonely I am guessing being you...<IMG class=inlineimg alt=0 src="" border=0 smilieid="203"></P>


Well-Known Member
What is the deal? I was very serious about my question and why so much hate on cloning flowering plants? I just did it like I stated so what is the real reason people say not to???? Read the posts before you answer this one. Thanks.:peace:
I think your a boy with matches playing in a fireworks factory....

Do you want a dick measuring contest or a flame war or whatever? Quit trying to be a smart ass and start conflict.

Your luck came from selecting a lower premature lower branch and cutting the flowering nodes off.

Try the same thing with the flowering node still on it trying to suck all the energy needed to create roots and it will take longer.

It all has to do with the amount of plant nutrients needed to support plant mass, producing flowers uses a good amount of nutrients.

Bottom line, there is nothing special about your clone rooting. It is a clone, and clones root.


Well-Known Member
Well duh dub. As for my whole reason to post no one says anything in the stuff I read that points to success with it so my whole point was to make sure it was understood that it WORKS. Guess everybody knows that so why then is it so stated even in the FAQ that is is a poor bet!!!!?? As for the large phallus contest that was taintshredders work and the idiot with no hair. They wanted to abe pricks and they just got penises so they are always competing. I want people to tell the noobs that if you are not a moron, taint, then you can do it in good time so for all you haters f off and find a life...:o
I think your a boy with matches playing in a fireworks factory....

Do you want a dick measuring contest or a flame war or whatever? Quit trying to be a smart ass and start conflict.

Your luck came from selecting a lower premature lower branch and cutting the flowering nodes off.

Try the same thing with the flowering node still on it trying to suck all the energy needed to create roots and it will take longer.

It all has to do with the amount of plant nutrients needed to support plant mass, producing flowers uses a good amount of nutrients.

Bottom line, there is nothing special about your clone rooting. It is a clone, and clones root.


Well-Known Member
Well duh dub. As for my whole reason to post no one says anything in the stuff I read that points to success with it so my whole point was to make sure it was understood that it WORKS. Guess everybody knows that so why then is it so stated even in the FAQ that is is a poor bet!!!!?? As for the large phallus contest that was taintshredders work and the idiot with no hair. They wanted to abe pricks and they just got penises so they are always competing. I want people to tell the noobs that if you are not a moron, taint, then you can do it in good time so for all you haters f off and find a life...:o
The FAQ is not the end all be all, I honestly haven't even looked at it lately. That FAQ originated on years ago.

Don't take everything SeeMoreBuds, George Cervantes, Al B Fuct, or any other person as the final word as there are always variations to the rule and circumstances that work around the rule.

They are there to be a guide to the uber noob, not the exact truth and only truth.

FAQ can never beat experience.