Clones from Mothers!!


Hey all,

Just curious if there is a time that mothers should grow before you start taking clones from her? I have 4 different strains that were rooted by and planted on 12/17/09, about 2 1/2 wks ago.

Also, how long can I use the same mother for clones? Is it after taking so many from it or is it a time thing, like you could take clones for 6 months or something?

Thanks for all the advice and input. Suite & family


Active Member
Ideally I think a plant should be at least 8-10 weeks old before taking clones. My reason is, at that point you have a bunch of little single shooters that make great clones and doesn't take too much away from the main structures. Also at that time the plant is mature and it seems that a more mature plant ends up giving better clones.

If you're going to flower the mother then take the clones 1 week before switching to 12/12.

You can use the same mother as long as it's alive. So pretty much indefinitely. You'll be able to see when it's got enough extra new growths on it to take cuttings. Every couple months you'll get some. =)


Active Member
I take clones as soon as the first node has growth large enough to clone, which is usually about the time the plant has 4 or 5 total nodes.

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
It just needs to be large enough to have multiple branches you can take for clones, yet still have enough leaf to survive.
As long as you let it recover between cutting, you should get a bushier and busier plant. You can keep a mother nearly indefinately - still most people I know will create a new mother and flower the old after a year or so.


It just needs to be large enough to have multiple branches you can take for clones, yet still have enough leaf to survive.
As long as you let it recover between cutting, you should get a bushier and busier plant. You can keep a mother nearly indefinately - still most people I know will create a new mother and flower the old after a year or so.
I'm having visions of that bushy mother plant being brought to flower after that year or so... must be an incredible yield potential on her.

All have new growth on them except the cream sodica but she still looks good, strong and healthy. We're not ready yet to clone but want to have our ducks in a row when it's time, thanks for all the input.