Clones in the Detroit or surrounding area

22 pounds on 12 plants is a massive yield. Is the reason behind the 12 plants because of medical plant counts or?

I wanted to try something different. I used to have like 8' ceilings for years & I mean years lol. Now I have 12' ceilings and figured I'd try to grow them bigger & use bigger pots. Well it worked but it differs from strain to strain. The Kandy is a massive yielder which is good lol but I have to have the tops hand trimmed. The rest I run through a trim pro. But me and my wife are full on cards I just don't flower that many. I'm happy getting that much every other month. Seems like the more I was growing I still wasn't reaching these numbers that I'm doing now with bigger plants.

Hilarious. And even more funny is you guys look for trouble so F'off if you don't have anything intelligent to say. Are you butthurt somehow Nancy Stop being a Nancy plz and smoke something good & if you can't stand what I say grow a spine & deal with it or don't read it. Peace & chicken grease

22 lbs from 12k of lighting is .82 grams per watt. That's not bad from a new room, but with your skills and equipment I believe you could get past 1gpw easily by adapting just one or two of the suggestions offered here. You'll dial it in with time I'm sure ...
Thanks bro. It's very difficult going from a small room to a very large one. Biggest thing was the humidity and growing plants bigger, I'd never done before

I've only tried a few of these and I'm waiting my turn on the gorilla glue.

SFV OG @24% thc
Forum GS Cookies @25% thc
Death Star Mango @20% thc
Confidential Cheese BF cut @20% thc
Valley Pearl CBD @5.5%thc:7.3%cbd
Dutch Passion Blueberry @20% thc
Goat @23% THC
I've considered giving SFVOG a go, but I haven't smoked any flowers in years. I need to find some flowers at a farmers market or the like to make sure it is what I recall before I pull the trigger.

It's been years since my last visit. Do you think my membership is still good?
It's been years since my last visit. Do you think my membership is still good?
It's probably good still, but the new cards have holograms man.
I've considered giving SFVOG a go, but I haven't smoked any flowers in years. I need to find some flowers at a farmers market or the like to make sure it is what I recall before I pull the trigger.
I'm curious about that Lansing farmers market you've mentioned. I may check into that one day. I recall @Huel Perkins has rocked the SFV with his system, he may be able to describe it's particular kushiness well.
I've only tried a few of these and I'm waiting my turn on the gorilla glue.

SFV OG @24% thc
Forum GS Cookies @25% thc
Death Star Mango @20% thc
Confidential Cheese BF cut @20% thc
Valley Pearl CBD @5.5%thc:7.3%cbd
Dutch Passion Blueberry @20% thc
Goat @23% THC

What're you waiting for on the gorilla glue? I feel like it's the heaviest yielder I've run in a while. Saw some people on here saying it's not a heavy yielder, don't believe that. If you're a good grower it yields very well.

I just threw a test GG4 in a small pot with very little veg time and I'm surprised at how well it appears to have yielded. I usually put new strains in early to see if the quality is good before I let it take space in the room.

I'll take pics before I cut it down, day 63 is tomorrow so that's probably the day. I'm estimating 3 zips on it, and for barely any veg in dirt I'm pretty impressed with that. I think my next run is gonna be 90% GG4 with with maybe a couple Ghost OGs mixed in.
I've considered giving SFVOG a go, but I haven't smoked any flowers in years. I need to find some flowers at a farmers market or the like to make sure it is what I recall before I pull the trigger.

It's been years since my last visit. Do you think my membership is still good?

I'm growing it right now. Very little smell to it at week 7 12/12. I'll let you know in a couple weeks how she smokes...

What're you waiting for on the gorilla glue? I feel like it's the heaviest yielder I've run in a while. Saw some people on here saying it's not a heavy yielder, don't believe that. If you're a good grower it yields very well.

I just threw a test GG4 in a small pot with very little veg time and I'm surprised at how well it appears to have yielded. I usually put new strains in early to see if the quality is good before I let it take space in the room.

I'll take pics before I cut it down, day 63 is tomorrow so that's probably the day. I'm estimating 3 zips on it, and for barely any veg in dirt I'm pretty impressed with that. I think my next run is gonna be 90% GG4 with with maybe a couple Ghost OGs mixed in.

Agreed. I find the yield to be excellent.
I've considered giving SFVOG a go, but I haven't smoked any flowers in years. I need to find some flowers at a farmers market or the like to make sure it is what I recall before I pull the trigger.

It's been years since my last visit. Do you think my membership is still good?

Is this set up like the G3C too? Safe Transfer area?
Or is it just like all the others? Just curious, downstate seems to have more of a selection
