Clones might be dying help:/


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell if that is nutrient burn, or light burn, but nobody will be able to tell you what it is without way more information about your grow. 6.8 is too high of a pH for young clones, too, IMO. I never go above 6.5pH in my soil grows, personally.
Well let's see i first got them and put them outside but with the weather and all I got an led light and have a warm air blowing on them for air flow waiting for my nutrients in mail bc everything is closed I got advanced nutrients coming um my led light is about 18 inches from plant mayb thts to close idk
Too much nutrient perhaps...I see tip burn in new growth. What are you feeding them?
Well I'm getting my advanced nutrients hydro store is closed so there mailing I honesty watered them with miracle grow quick start bc thts all I had for now. I have been bending and trying to get the bottom more leaves.more sun mayb tht is why?


Well-Known Member
Give them some time in the new soil...Hopefully they will grow out of whatever the issue is. And just water for now.
Give them some time in the new soil...Hopefully they will grow out of whatever the issue is. And just water for now.
Should I cut the dead leaves so the can focus on new growth what u think? And should I be bending trying to get light down in there to widen up