clones not rooting


I am having a problem with my clones not rooting at all. I have created an ebb and flow system that waters 15 minutes 4 times a day. All the cuttings were cut within 1 or 2 days of each other. I am using tap water with a very light solution of floramicro "Hardwater" and B1. I have a plastic clear dome for better humidity. I am getting them form 2 different mothers/strains. Strain 1 is White Widow and strain 2 is Romulan. Strain 2, mother,just barely started to flower 30 days ago but since then I have reverted her back to veg. I am using clonex rooting gel and peat moss starters. Room is 75-80 degrees. These are at the corner of my veg room the uses cool CFL so the light source is indirectly availiable. Im on day 8 not a root in sight I have lost at least 5-6 cuttings due to wilting. Other appear strong and upright. When I remove humidity dome I notice they slump very quickly. help.


Misguided Angel
i have had clones take up to 3 weeks to root. One thing I have found is to make sure you let them dry out a bit in between waterings, don't drown the poor things. Keep the humidity and temp as constant as you can, and be patient.


I had a major turn for the better with several of the clones showing roots and new growth. I cut back some of the bigger leafs that were still hanging and it seemed to help. I also increased the watering frequency and reduced the amount of water. It seemed to be more constant. I am really happy that the 3 Romulan clones are coming about. Right On!


Well-Known Member
yep allways trim your leaves when u clone to stop transpiration stress. my clones that are 6 inches only have 2 leaves and i cut them in half.

Sgt. Pepper

i have had clones take up to 3 weeks to root. One thing I have found is to make sure you let them dry out a bit in between waterings, don't drown the poor things. Keep the humidity and temp as constant as you can, and be patient.
Yeah what rocpilefsj said. When I first started out I would lose clones to over watering. Now after I soak the rockwool, I shake most of the water out of it & foliar feed with 1/5 strength nutes while staying away from watering the rockwool.

Your clone will produce roots to "find" water, when "finding" water is necessary to the plants survival.


So true... I have seen the difference. Went down and got some rapid rooters with the hood and took cuttings from white widow that was flowering for 15 days and dipped them in clonex gel & did a foliar feed. I used an Agrolite florescent bulb. They never even drooped. In 14-20 days, to my surprise, there was these freaky ass well rooted flowering clones. Since then I have put them under 8 bulb T-5 array and basic ebb flow system and doubled in size in 4 days. "These things hit the ground running" as stated in the flowering clone article.


Another mistake people make is they cover up the clones in a closed environment. They need fresh air constantly. I use an aquarium and leave the lid open all the time. Just make sure to keep the humidity up. I get roots out of rockwool in 7-10 days and I have a 100% success rate.


Get you some Quantum Growth. It will kick your clones off a give them a great start. Run you a test and compare a side by side. You will end up adding it all your clones in 3-4 days after you see the results. I use it everytime I flood and drain adding weekly to my resevior. The product has living photosyntheic microbes that work for your plant suppling it with nutrients 24/7. they can create the sugar ten times faster than the plant can itself. Feeding the nutrients back to plant and in soil they take care of all the organismn by suppling them with their required nutrients so their not stealing from the plant. it works wonders on pest and soil pathogens by over populating the other organismns. It requires less nukes also because the plant is healthier and disease rarely attacks healthy plants. I get mine from a distributor in fl. Douglas Speed and associates they have great customer service and know the product. Oh yea there is no human or animal waste in the product. Naturally occuring bacteria that exist on the earth it what it is made up with. Proud user of the product and endorse it everywhere i go. Indoorman