Clones plastic bags

can u put plastic bag over clones for humidity,and how large is bag neede ,I have them in a small propagation tent ,would that be enough without out some sort of humidity dome? thank you .tent is roughy at 85% humidity.


Well-Known Member
If the tent is 85% there's no need for a dome but if you have problems keeping humidity up lots of people use ziplock bags zipped around them in my Solo cups. Just mist the bag and zip it up around the base of the cup.
If the tent is 85% there's no need for a dome but if you have problems keeping humidity up lots of people use ziplock bags zipped around them in my Solo cups. Just mist the bag and zip it up around the base of the cup.
Thanks mate ,I am just learning,I thought if tent has high humidity,I have a heat mat ,clones in cup’s sitting on
half inch of perlite just damp ,it is all in a small plastic tray ,does that sound ok ,thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
Sounds okay. You want humidity to be as high as possible for fresh cut clones. Most people use domes but you can use ziplock bags too. Just open and spray when you see it's drying out. I've used the freezer size bags. Don't worry if it's touching the sides, it's fine. Just don't break the stem. Make sure that the heat mat has a good be thermostat and the temp stays around 75-80. The warmer side of that the better but you don't want to cook the roots either and dry out the cube or root riot plug your using because it's so warm.


Well-Known Member
I use Starbucks clear cups. They work great. My wife has like 2 a day min. Drives me insane. But is what it is.
Idk, you would think your tent can hold cuts at 85rh
My wife won't go anywhere she can't carry her pistol and Starbucks is not gun friendly. Works out good since their coffee tastes burnt to me and is just crazy expensive.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome, I learned it from Rurumo on here who helped me out with my cloning. Putting cuts in peat pellets in Solo cups and then just sealing a ziplock bag around them with a damp paper towel in the cup for extra moisture. You can take tons of extra cuts this way anytime you want and just toss em in the corner of the tent. She was a huge help.
The only thing I worry about is how much most tents swing in a day and at lights out.
You need me? You keep quoting me but not saying anything?
Sorry mate ,computer would not let me type no idea why ,at the moment humidity has been real high even outside
,I will put zip lock bags over them ,tent is under 1 meter or 3 foot ,I w am trying to monster clone ,have u done that ?
thanks for advice from Australia.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome, I learned it from Rurumo on here who helped me out with my cloning. Putting cuts in peat pellets in Solo cups and then just sealing a ziplock bag around them with a damp paper towel in the cup for extra moisture. You can take tons of extra cuts this way anytime you want and just toss em in the corner of the tent. She was a huge help.
That’s what my star bucks cups do. Small small amount of space taken. I stopped using the bags because when my fans kick on. They blow over. Or the plastic touches a leaf and I get that humidity burn that shows after they root. Staggers em too. Domes I have a hate love relationship.
That’s what my star bucks cups do. Small small amount of space taken. I stopped using the bags because when my fans kick on. They blow over. Or the plastic touches a leaf and I get that humidity burn that shows after they root. Staggers em too. Domes I have a hate love relationship.
Do u think I would be ok with no dome as my clone tent is small and humidity is usually around 85%, I am trying with dome ,plastic bags ,and a couple just in tent ,thanks for advice.


Well-Known Member
Lots of things can work great to retain humidity. A cheap one everyone usually has around the house is a clear plastic bottle with a removable cap. Cutting the bottoms out & placing them over the clone can work wonders. When it’s time to introduce more oxygen/less RH you can take the cap off.


Well-Known Member
I'd listen to DrOGKush, sounds like he does better than I do with it. I just got an aero cloner bucket setup as I'm tired of screwing around with domes, ziplocks, air cloning attempts and just cloning in general. I'm hoping once I get the solution dialed in this should pretty much be a no brainer way to go. Lots of people say clones are really easy to root and they have great luck with it, but honestly it's been a pain in my ass. I understand the science and what needs to happen, but each time I've had issues so I'm going simple... I hope :bigjoint:. This is what I'm using now. My veg tent and clones are at a buddy's due to our low plant count laws and I can't control the environment there so this system hopefully will be better at dealing with the low humidity and colder temps in the low 70s high 60s that have made other clone attempts really hard. Hope you have great luck with yours and they root quickly for you.IMG_20220517_154707998.jpg
I'd listen to DrOGKush, sounds like he does better than I do with it. I just got an aero cloner bucket setup as I'm tired of screwing around with domes, ziplocks, air cloning attempts and just cloning in general. I'm hoping once I get the solution dialed in this should pretty much be a no brainer way to go. Lots of people say clones are really easy to root and they have great luck with it, but honestly it's been a pain in my ass. I understand the science and what needs to happen, but each time I've had issues so I'm going simple... I hope :bigjoint:. This is what I'm using now. My veg tent and clones are at a buddy's due to our low plant count laws and I can't control the environment there so this system hopefully will be better at dealing with the low humidity and colder temps in the low 70s high 60s that have made other clone attempts really hard. Hope you have great luck with yours and they root quickly for you.View attachment 5138485
Hopefully u will be good with clones , I did hydro in the early day over 30 years ago ,I used to do a lot of cloneing ,grow the plant and take outdoor to bud ,I have just started at it again trying to get confidence back ,hopefully clones will route and all will be good,thanks for advice ,in qld it is still illegal we are a bit behind u .ps I am trying to reveg clones as well .