Clones seem to be dying?

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
whats up guys I took cuttings on the 24th and they have been under 24/7 light with a heating pad beneath them. Since taking the cutting 3 have died out and others are getting brown/yellow lower leaves and havent gotten roots yet (dont know how long it takes). I was wondering what may be going on and if I can still save the 8 remainders. Thanks alot.


Well-Known Member
i have read somwhere else on this site that clones can take anywhere from 7-14 day's to take root...i took some small clones and they looked as if they would die ..all except the very center of the plant (it seemed to stay green) may be able to save the remainders ..but you dont have pics or explain what they look like well enough for a better answer ...


Active Member
What I do is, I use a regular pot put plastic over it tape it and let the light time be 18/6 with a rooting gel and humidity... clone is 3 days old and growing!!!!


Active Member
mine look like they'll die sometimes too. i think someone told me that it's because they're not getting nutes to support they're leaves or some shit (guess i was high when they told me).

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
yeah thats my bad, tomorrow afternoon I will put up some pictures. But in words I can say that the leaves are yellow and shriveling up but its only the lower leaves everything else is upright and green I just feel as if its spreading. Also these are in a mini greenhouse plastic thing that I got at Lowes and was wondering if its suppose to constantly have water inside beneath the peat pellet sacs? Because they are completely soaked and so is the soil (wasnt sure if it is suppose to be that wet and if its suppose to be that wet for that long)