Clones taken close to 3 weeks into flowering. What to expect?


Active Member
Alright so the question is simple. I took some clones waaaaay too late, and now 3 of them survived, rooted and finally new growth looks good. It took like 3 weeks to get any roots at all, but now I'm finally there. I read somewhere about the branching being a lot thicker when taken in flowering. So, what to expect? Anything I need to know? Anything I need to care for?

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The old leaves have a little brown on them but the centre looks good and green and fresh. New leaves are a bit odd, but I guess that's just how it is and the fan leaves will pop eventually. Not sure if it's relevant, but the clones did have pistils on them when I took them. These however dried up and disappeared after about a week.


Well-Known Member
Treat them they are fresh young clones...
They might pop out some really funky growth....
But WTF... it'll be fun...


Active Member
be interesting to see the outcome as ive beenw ondering about the possibility of taking some form of clones late when i get around to my 3 regular kaia kush beans. as i think ive got me a mini mothers vegging room before i even went on a shopping frenzie on 2 hydro shops online last week lol.

keep us posted on how your clones aare handling things. cause im sure your get something smoke able.


Well-Known Member
There's no particular problem with taking clones in flower. The problem is they take a long time to revert back to veg. They will put out some real weird growth. I usually wait til I have a lot of nice new growth then trim the weird stuff off then they look just like a normal vegging plant. Its not ideal... but if you have to do it the plants will be fine.


Well-Known Member
You need some perlite, 10-15%, in your soil to prevent root-rot and facilitate keeping water in the soil instead of draining right through. You've nute burnt the plant in pic #2 so you need to gently trim off the burnt leaf parts. It usually takes 3-5 weeks to get roots from that late stage. It is a big deal because your plants have to recycle from veg to flower and back to veg again. That is major stress and I would only go to all this trouble if I didn't have any other choice. BigSteve.


Active Member
we did it a couple times already ()clones 2-3wks into 12/12)...
...although I gotta admit the clones look a lil weird for a while; I mean a few of em kept making those goofy looking 3 fingered fan leafs for quite a while and were a lil slow developing...
they did seem to catch up after flipping to 12/12....DSCN0504.jpg


Active Member
I do this all the time. I end up with some crazy looking plants, but it works. You will see odd growth, one leaf, two leafs, more often three. After awhile it will go back to normal. You end up with a monster plant basically. Dinafem cheese for example can really take a beating and come out on top. I harvested one about 2 months ago and left some popcorn buds and put it right back into veg. She is kicking ass now and has come back at full force. Another month and I will flower her again and take a second harvest.

I believe it's called monster cropping. Works really well!


Well-Known Member
Any grower with minimal space, without fem seeds, kinda has to go this route. No worries, they turn out better buds than the mothers in my experiences of like a whopping 1 full year lol.


Active Member
Ive ot some im working with just for the heck of it, from what ive read these things throw weight once you finally get them going. Some of mine where broken off so i knocked off the popcorn buds and cloned them.


Active Member
You need some perlite, 10-15%, in your soil to prevent root-rot and facilitate keeping water in the soil instead of draining right through. You've nute burnt the plant in pic #2 so you need to gently trim off the burnt leaf parts. It usually takes 3-5 weeks to get roots from that late stage. It is a big deal because your plants have to recycle from veg to flower and back to veg again. That is major stress and I would only go to all this trouble if I didn't have any other choice. BigSteve.
I did not add any nutes to the clones. They are in coco-disks without any adds. The brown came when I forgot to spray the lid of my seedling-box a full day.

Other than that, I have no access to perlite. Any ideas on where to get it when none of the local gardening stores has it or even knows what it is?


Well-Known Member
I have not done a clone from flower yet but have put them in 12/12 then went back to veg after about 3 weeks. I was sexing 60 non feminized seeds. I was just playing around and MY GOODNESS the outcome was AWESOME !

I am still trying to get those pictures off my old computer (mother board failure)

The brancing is insane and all the buds turned out nice and tight and very plentiful !

In my opinion it is worth the extra time. I just flipped to 12/12 last night and in 3 weeks will be taking clones off an AK and Purple Buddha Plants.

The technique is called Monster Cropping A few articles are out if you google it.