clones that show roots ,when to transplant ????


okay so, my clones are showing roootssss yeah! :D

they started to show the roots 2 days ago they are not exloding yet, with root formation out of the rockwoll , but they are growing kinda fast longesst root already is like 2 cm.
how long to wait plant them stright or wait a few more days and let roots to develop more????


Well-Known Member
I check my clones everyday the second i see a root its in soil leave them out in a tray and they dry up if u dont watch them so i say plant it


Active Member
I found this pic posted on another site...The poster is Rumpleforeskin & he was building a cloning machine...according to him, they should look like this when they go into the soil (This guy has some awesome ideas!!)


Active Member
I usually stick mine in soil once the roots are around 2-3 inches, some strains are more sensitice to nutrients than others, but if the roots can handle it, its usually not a problem.


New Member
IMO i would leave it alone for another week or so keep everything moist till you see lots of roots reason i say this cause you will stress your plant if its not strong enough if you got lots of roots showing you know the plant is strong and will likely take off in new medium
i found things can go south pretty fast at that stage



okay after being a bit confused i will stick to take a chance with my strongest rotter he have quite long roots 3 cm longest root is the biggest and put it in the small pot only see the reaction and the other let them stay there for a while thx all repliers !


This is awesome. This thread got started 1 hr before I was gonna post same question. Still confused. I have my clones in a tray with dome(on and off) out of 16 1 died, 4 don't have roots, and 1 its roots are stretching out from under the rockwool cube. Now I'm confused because I thought light was bad for roots but everyone is saying let them get longer. Guess I will have to trust gut instict.