Clones? What are they?


This is my second time growing and my friend was looking for some clones. What exactly are these. My best guess was they are just small plants that branch off from your plants. Is my guess close or way off?


Well-Known Member
its a branch of a plant that was cut off and rooted to make a whole other plant. lots of people use clones


Well-Known Member
i suppose. you can take one decent size plant and make it into hundreds of clones. each clone will turn into a whole other plant.


Well-Known Member
well clones usually go for 40-60 from what i understand. never heard of anyone selling the plants.


Well-Known Member
Nevernjeardnof a clone around here selling for more than twelve bucks. Legal ones from dispensaries anyway


Well-Known Member

you dont buy seeds, you buy powder/gel
you dont wait an extra 10 days for sprouting, you clip off a branch, bigger branch, faster pay off.

i rarely buy seeds anymore. i keep cloning and cloning, cutting off branches, making more and more. if you look into LST, youll notice topping and fimming, thats step 1 of cloning too. so i grow a plant, top it, now plant 1 has 2 tops, 1 clone

top it again, plant 1 has 4 tops, 3 clones
top it again, plant 1 has 8 tops, 7 clones
top it again, plant 1 has 16 tops, 15 clones
flower the main plant. veg the small ones, repeat.

in theory, if your treating them well, you can end up with hundreds of female clones from 1 seed, and half a pound per plant, 50 pounds, 1 seed.. not bad.

some strains are easier to do then others
some powders/gels suck, and others are better
warmth (80F-85F) is key for clones
humidity (90%) is great for clones

i was nervous the first time i cloned (and cut the top off a plant). now i do it as if its a regular thing, like pooping. if your indoors, LST is great for boosting yield, and cloning is key to not have another area, another light, another set up for seedlings.

cloning. do it.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
well clones usually go for 40-60 from what i understand. never heard of anyone selling the plants.
Always got them for $5 a pop rooted, or $3 if i bought 100 or more.

edit-- this is underground black market, not dispesary.. although the last lot was $3 for 1x 100 from a legal grower.. all strains were shyte.


Damn full plants sell for 550 here
Whoa. Where the heck are you from? And what defines a 'full' plant? Anyways, that sounds totally unreasonable and illogical. It would really have to be some kind of monstrous, magical, indeterminate, ever-producing variety to be worth anywhere near that kind of money. But at that price it sounds like the plant is worth more than the bud it is going to produce... which makes no sense.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
Whoa. Where the heck are you from? And what defines a 'full' plant? Anyways, that sounds totally unreasonable and illogical. It would really have to be some kind of monstrous, magical, indeterminate, ever-producing variety to be worth anywhere near that kind of money. But at that price it sounds like the plant is worth more than the bud it is going to produce... which makes no sense.
BYOMT Bring your own moving truck.


Well-Known Member
If you starts cloning...

Gels and powders are ok. My favorite is "Dip n Grow", liquid. It works very well. It is super easy, and very very cheap.

I pay like 8 bucks for the bottle. Over the last 4 years, I think I have gone through maybe 3 bottles. Many many many clones. If you are taking large batches of clones, it is by far the cheapest option available, but still very effective. Even with small batches it is super cheap though.

But honestly, you can achieve very good clone rates just plugging the clone into a root plug. No powder, gel or liquid.

Like many plants, cannabis doesn't really need a rooting solution to form roots. Some would argue water is just as effective as any of the rooting solutions.


Well-Known Member
"But honestly, you can achieve very good clone rates just plugging the clone into a root plug. No powder, gel or liquid.

Like many plants, cannabis doesn't really need a rooting solution to form roots. Some would argue water is just as effective as any of the rooting solutions."

I will fully agree with that, and have experimented many many times, Im planning on taking about 20 clones tomorrow if i remember ill do a test with gel, powder, and water left out for 24 hrs.

I've done it many times before, I've always got roots, The gels seem to come sooner but only by a few days.

Also i find alot of people not knowing how to clone or how to keep humidity up, What i do is get gallon ziplock baggies, Take your clone, put it in the medium ( i use rockwool) put the medium with clone in the ziplock and zip it till you only have enough unzipped to breath into it, Take a breath and exhale into the bag. I replace the air in the bag every morning and night. Usually get roots in 5-7 days.

Good luck, Happy growing, Stay high!


Well-Known Member
research, research research!!! from the beginning I found that to get the most out of these forums it is best to know a little before asking questions. Like if you had read some threads / websites about clones than come back and say ask "what does everyone think is the preferred method or what temps should I have in my clone rooms ect.. you'll get much better results here. is a great place to start learning, of course you won't find all your answers or you may not understand everything you come across and that is where these forums will really help you to fine tune your knowledge and skills.
