Clones: when to feed them


Well-Known Member
A friend gave me a few of his sickly clones to add to my healthy seedling collection for this year's outdoor grow. 1 died right away and the remaining 2 had droopy yellowing leaves. I had put the clones out with my seedlings and it seems that the new growths on the clones was burned off by the intensity of the sun. Essentially, I didn't bother hardening them off. Anyway, got them under CFL's now and cut off the dead/bad leaves and they seem to slowly be bouncing back with lots of little nice green leaves.

They are 2.5 weeks old or so from being taken out of their dome. I fed them a super tiny amount of fish emulsion 5-1-1 a week or so ago and now I'm wondering if I should feed them some Grow Big, or fish emulsion again to get some N in there for growth.. now that they seem to be bouncing back. I'm new to clones and have always worked with seedlings. Should I be feeding these clones yet?


Well-Known Member
i think they should be fine. 2 1/2 weeks is a good long time. how is their root system? how were their roots when you got them?

as long as they have established roots and aren't showing any signs of being sickly, give them a 1/4 dose of your favorite nute. build them up and see how they react. clones can be fickle babies, treat em with love and they'll love right back... the form of big, juicy buds! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda guessing their age. I think I've had them about 2 weeks now. My buddy makes fantastic clones but he had 3 he was gonna throw away that I said I'd take. I already had more than enough seedlings on the go, so I didn't baby them at all. I just subjected them to the same environment that my seedlings were getting, which was full sun, and it didn't help them any. Not too sure how their root systems are doing. They were in oasis cubes and when I got them you could just see the first signs of roots. They were not in domes any more. I plugged the oasis cubes into beer cups of brand new Pro-Mix BX and gave them a good drink. 1 of the 2 is doing much better than the other, but up until a few days ago they just looked like goners. I actually almost threw them out about a week ago. In a day or 2 I'll give them a very small amount of nutes with their watering and see how they like it. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
yeah, clones seem to be a little less hardy than seedlings. probably the stress of being seperated from their mothers and then having to grow a root system from nothing! :bigjoint: